Chapter 4: Destiny is not a horse.

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Song: "Miracle of Life" - Nick Murray and Roger Shah

        General Leia feared for Rey. Four hours later, she had yet to return with Shudu. She also felt a great disturbance in the Force. A familiar presence haunted her when she was Rey's age. She remembered Luke's pain when he called her from Cloud City, and the pain Emperor Palpatine unleashed on him from the Force lightning. Now, instead of Luke's, she felt Rey's pain. Something had happened.

Leia cringed on her chair and nervously chewed her nails. Akinli, Akon, Beatrice, and Temiri played on the academy's playground behind her. They took turns driving a toy spaceship and pretended they were the Big Four themselves: Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, and Chewbacca.

Just watching them, Leia remembered her own childhood on Alderaan. That was when life was much simpler. Now, there she was, a general trying to keep the Resistance from going extinct. Leia was growing older. Eventually, she would have to turn her position over to a robust youth. She did not know how much more of this she could take. If Leia lost Rey, what would become of her? Who else, aside from the young woman, could be an exceptionally decent Resistance leader?


Shudu still waited on the beach for Rey. It had been a good four hours. However, he smiled when he saw the familiar figure of a water speeder coming back from Dark Side Island.

At the sight of Shudu waiting for her, Rey was so surprised that she screeched the vehicle to a halt before him. She stopped so abruptly that wham! She flew over the speeder's handlebars.

Shudu watched wide-eyed as she whizzed through the air and crash-landed at his feet. "Oomph!" she yelled.

Shudu burst out laughing. He slapped his hands to his mouth. Between giggles, he asked, "Are you okay?"

"Shudu! Why are you still here?" Rey pulled her aching body off the ground. She brushed the sand off her pants, blushing so hard that her cheeks hurt.

Shudu crossed his arms. "Isn't it obvious? I wanted to make sure you got back safely."

"That's very considerate of you, but I told you to return to General Leia! I'm sure she's worried sick!"

"Then why don't we go back together? Rey, please, I just want to protect you."

"Protect me?" Rey shuffled uncomfortably from where she stood. "You know I'm eleven years older than you, right?"

"I do, but still. So, are we going to return to base or not?"


Leia sighed with relief when two familiar forms emerged from the top of the hill before her and stepped onto the playground.

"Master Rey!" shouted Temiri, Beatrice, Akon, and Akinli. Instantly, they put their game on hold and ran to meet her.

Shudu hid behind Rey. He shivered with fear when they reached her.

"Are you in one piece?" Akinli wanted to know.

"You were gone for so long!" sobbed Beatrice.

"Can I touch your lightsaber?" asked Akon.

"Pay them no attention, Master Rey," Temiri said with a goofy smile. "Instead, you should listen to me."

Rey pushed the children off her. She started toward Leia.

Except, the children weren't going to let her off that easily.

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