Chapter 6

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I wake up in a surprisingly good mood, I put on a deep red dress with stockings, I leave my hair down and head off for breakfast.

"Morning Victoria how did you sleep" I heard Millard come up next to me and ask as we made our way downstairs.

I just gave him a cheerful thumps up because it's not like he'd be able to hear me anyways. "That's good! I slept great, my dream last night really was something"

I looked at him and screwed my face up not wanting to hear about him having...those..types of dreams. "I-I didn't mean like that!" He tried to correct himself as I just laughed at him.

When we walked into the dinning room Enoch was standing on the side of the room not having sat down yet.

"Morning handsome" I tease as I walk up to him

"W-what did you just say, shut up you're so annoying" he blushes and looks away from me

"What did she say?" Millard asks, Horace, Bronwyn and Olive look over confused.

"It doesn't matter, forget it" Enoch snaps before going to sit down at his seat

I giggle following him to my seat next to him, "why are you so embarrassed Enoch? I just said you're handsome"

"Hey," he says not looking at me


He leans down next to me, whispering as to not be heard "shut up before I make you"

I'm left speechless, my face bright red. Why do I feel like this, my heart is pounding it's almost like I'm scared...almost.

The rest of breakfast I just listened to the other children trying to not make it obvious I was looking at Enoch out the corner of my eye, once I was done I headed straight to my room.

"He's so annoying, I met him yesterday and he's so rude"

"He does tend to be like that" a voice says from behind me.

I scream and turn around to see a boy, looking around Enoch's age and height, but, he was obviously a passed person.

"Who are you?" Confused, I haven't seen him before.

"Victor, it's nice to meet you"

I'm so sorry this chapter is short but this was the perfect place to end it. Ok I'm writing the next chapter right now lmao - S

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