Chapter 12

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I wake up confused, unsure how to feel about the day ahead. If I'm being honest, I'm sad. I remember the days I went to the beach with aunt Mary, it hits me life is really moving on without her.

She taught me how to live, it's not fair that now I have to do it without her.

It's early, the sun has just started to rise. Tears slowly fall down my face and the yearning of company is overwhelming. I get up and without a second thought walk towards some familiarity, a room I hope will give me a small sense of comfort.

I knock on the door and hear a sigh followed by footsteps. The door opens "do you know how damn early it is, you're lucky I was already half awake."

I look up slowly, embarrassment of my current state slowly sinking in. "Victoria what happened?" A concerned voice asks.

"Enoch I don't want to be left alone again" I say in between what are now sobs. I don't even think before I grab onto his shirt and burry my head in his chest.

He stiffens up and is clearly shocked, slowly he puts his arms around me firmly. He rests his head on mine before attempting to soothe me somewhat. "Hey, you're stupid for thinking that"

"I'm not stupid" I sob

"Oh shit that's not what I meant, uh fuck what do I say" he panics, I'm unsure if he's ever had to comfort someone like this before, I start to feel bad for putting him in such an awkward situation.

I pull back and wipe my face "I miss my aunt, I've been here for a few weeks but I'm worried it'll slip away again, first it was my parents then- oh wait, wow trauma works in funny ways huh" I let out a sad chuckle realising this was a deeper issue then I originally thought.

Enoch sighs "you poor messed up thing" he crosses his arms and laughs

"Shut up your room is filled with organs you can't talk" I cross my arms mimicking him and frown

"Whatever" he rolls his eyes, "sit down I'll be back" i feel a hand patting the top of my head quickly before I he walks off

I stand there confused, where the hell is he going? Nevertheless I turn on the lights and sit down on his bed, realising I'm still in a dressing gown I attempt to cover myself with the blanket slightly.

Enoch comes back after a while holding a mug in each hand, "I'm not confident in my skills to comfort someone but I'll be damned if my tea doesn't work" he says with such a serious expression

I laugh throwing my head back slightly "I can't tell if you're joking or not"

"I would never joke about how talented I am Victoria"

"Well then my apologies sir" he hands me the tea and sits down next to me crossing his legs, we sit in silence for a bit, drinking the tea before I break it "I'm really sorry about all this, I'm embarrassed now that I've calmed down"

He turns to me with a confused face "I didn't think you were capable of being embarrassed?"

I slap his arm slightly "Enoch I'm being serious"

"So am I?" I roll my eyes at his comment "seriously though it's fine, everyone here felt the same way you do at some point, but we also realise pretty quickly that we can't get rid of each other. No matter how much we wish we could" he sighs and mumbles the last part.

I roll my eyes again but smile slightly, I don't know why my instinct was to come here or why I did calm down so quickly. Maybe it's because he can hear me, I can feel my thoughts are actually getting out there. It's the only explanation.

"I really appreciate it though, you didn't have to even let me in"

"Yeah well, it's fine, as long as you're not crying, wasn't a good look" he turns his head away slightly, I smile knowing that he was actually a little bit concerned.

"Sorry I'll make sure I don't do that again" I joke

"Good." He turns and looks at me, we stare at each other for a bit, I didn't realise his eyes were so dark.

Suddenly we hear shouting from the others, I'm guessing they're all waking up now.

Enoch groans and throws his head back "I forgot it was beach day today, that's why they're so loud. You should get some more sleep before we leave"

"Oh yeah I really should" I get up and place my mug on the table, "thanks again"

"Stop thanking me and go to bed"

"Yes sir" I do a quick salute and am met with rolling eyes.

I go back to my room and lay under my now cold covers. When I wake up next I'll have to get ready straight away before heading to the beach. Feelings of sadness linger but only slightly, excitement for the day ahead is overwhelming any doubts.

Hi! I Hope you all like this chapter, sorry it took so long, thank you for being patient. It's not how I originally was going to take this chapter but I felt it was needed. I'll see you in the next one! <3 - S

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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