Chapter 4

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My hands start to shake a bit as I walk down the stairs with Miss Peregrine to the dining room. What if they hate me? What if they think I'm a freak? How do I even interact with people? I hadn't been to a school with other kids in years as when I lived with Aunt Mary I was home schooled, the only kids I interact with are passed ones that can actually hear me.

"Would you like me to tell the kids about your peculiarity or do you wish for them not to know?" Miss Peregrine asks as she stops in front of two big doors and turns to me.

I nod my head in hopes she'll understand I want her too, my hands have started shaking so much it might be a bit hard to write.

"Very well then I shall" She says before opening the large doors reveling a long table filled with kids whose eyes all immediately look at me.

"Everyone, I'd like to introduce Victoria Green, she's able to talk to and see the dead but her voice is unable to be heard by the living and she will be living with us from now on"

"How will we talk to her then?" A small girl that's tied down to the chair with a crown on her head asks

"She can still hear you but since she can't answer she will write her answers down for you, now everyone introduce yourselves and if you wish tell Miss Green your peculiarity"

"Hi I'm Bronwyn and I'm super strong," a small girl said to me

"I'm Hugh and I have bees living in me, and this is Fiona she controls plants basically" a boy with a net on his head tells me and gestures to the girl who is looking down shyly

"I'm Emma and I control fire I guess."

"Hi! I'm Claire and I have a back mouth."

"Hello, I'm Olive and I'm lighter than air so I need these shoes to keep me keep me from floating away." The girl who's tied to the chair with the crown says

"I'm Horace, and I have prophetic dreams and a great sense of fashion."

"Hi I'm Millard and I'm invisible." The boy is wearing a cap and clothes, I'm guessing so everyone can see where he is

"And I'm not obliged to tell you anything," a boy with slightly tan skin and brown hair and eyes, sitting at the end of the table says.

"Enoch don't be rude. He's Enoch and he can bring things back to the dead for a while," Bronwyn says

"He's always moody, just try and ignore him" Millard says

"Shut it before I make you" Enoch glares at Millard

"I dare you too" Millard replies

"Both of you stop it" Miss Peregrine stops the two bickering boys, "Victoria you can sit in the empty seat to the left of Enoch

"Just my luck" the mood boy says sarcastically

I sigh, "of course that's where I have to sit" I say my thoughts out loud knowing no one can hear me anyway so it not problem, well that's what I thought at least.

"Can't be heard my ass" Enoch mumbles

"Mr O'Connor what did you just say"

"She just spoke then I heard her, so she's obviously lying"

My eyes go wide "what did you just say?" I question

"That you're lying" Enoch says as he crosses his arms

"You're the one that lying, we haven't heard her talk once" says Emma and all the kids agree with her

"Then you're all deaf" he retorts

"Oh my god someone can hear me" I mumble over and over again, in shock that someone living could hear me! Well at least I thought he was living, I'm not quite sure considering he can hear me!

"Will you shut up?" Enoch snaps at me

"Why is the room spinning?" I question before everything goes black.

A/N: I was going to make this chapter longer but I thought this was the perfect place to end it. They finally met and he can hear her! The next chapter you'll see them interact more, but I hope you liked this one!

- S

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