Chapter 5

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I woke up in my room with a pink nightgown on, I sat up and remembered yesterday's events. I feel like I'm going mad, first Mary passed and now apparently someone living can actually hear me?! Maybe this is just all a dream and I'll wake up back with Aunt Mary painting the days away, I doubt it though. As Mary always said "keep your head high no matter what the situation, prove to not only yourself but everyone else that you're stronger than they could ever know" she used to say that a lot after my parents left me, she always said stuff like that which I'm more then grateful for.

I decided I need to start the day and as I was about to get up to get a dress I noticed a note on my bedside table.

Dear Victoria,

I assumed yesterday was overwhelming for you so I let you sleep in today but it won't be a regular thing.

You don't have any chores yet so you are free to explore the house or come out to the garden which is where most of the children spend their time.

I left some breakfast in the fridge for you if you wish to heat it up on the stove you are free to do so,

Miss Peregrine.

Overwhelming is an understatement, I'm glad she let me sleep in though. I go to my wardrobe and get out a plum colored dress and some stocking, I did plan on going outside today because I prefer to be alone so I didn't need shoes. After putting my hair up in a low bun I went to the kitchen to make some tea, I wasn't that hungry so I didn't bother heating up the food.

As I sit down I hear someone come up behind me, "oh it's you"

I turn around and see Enoch looking at me with a sour expression. "Oh hello, I'm not use to talking to people with my voice, I'm sorry if I come across rude at time" I explain, nervous to be heard by someone for once.

"I doubt that'll be a problem"

"Why?" I ask confused.

"I stay inside for a reason, people are just nuisances and get in the way. If I stay inside they can't annoy me. But that's clearly not working" he mumbles the last part and looks away from me.

I frown at him, "you shouldn't be so rude to a l-lady" I try to be stern with my words but the accidental stutter made me loose that affect, causing me to blush out of embarrassment.

"I don't see a l-lady here" he makes fun of me as well as being straight up rude so before I realize what I'm doing I grab an apple from the fruit bowl next to me and throw it at him, "'hey!" he shouts as it hits his arm.

I start laughing at the idiocy of what I just did and I notice him stare at me, with a frown on his face, not impressed by my action.

"What, why are you staring at me?" he asks, as if he wasn't staring also.

"You're very handsome"

A blush starts to spread across his cheeks "w-what did you just say, shut up" he looks away from me bashfully.

" Look who's stuttering now" I tease.

"You're such a pain" he rolls his eyes and goes to walk out.

"Wait! How does your peculiarity work? Do you go bibbity bobbity boo and the dead are alive again?"

He stares at me with an unimpressed face "I'll show you if you shut up"

"I'll be quite as a mouse sir" I pretend to zip my mouth shut.

I follow him through the house to what looks like the basement. When I walk in the first thing I see is a giant shelf with jars of different sizes of hearts, brains and lungs sitting on it.

"You're quite the heart breaker huh?" I laugh quietly at my own joke but Enoch just gives me an unimpressed face again, "come on that was a good one"

"I said shut it didn't I?" He looks down at me and says sternly.

"Yes sir" a faint blush across my cheeks spreads from the tone of his voice and the face he towers over me.

He grabs a doll that is made up of a bunch of different parts and look rather creepy but in a cute way and puts a small heart in its chest, the doll then starts moving around and walks towards me.

I gasp "that is amazing!"

"Really?" Enoch asks confused

"Yes! That's so cool, you're so cool" I look at him with excitement and joy filling my eyes

"thanks" he mumbles and looks away embarrassed.

The doll holds its hand out for me to shake it which I do so and then it claps in what I'm guessing is because of joy?

I spend the rest of the afternoon watching Enoch build and work on dolls, bringing a few to life every now and then for me to play with and to entertain me. He talked about how he has to hunt animals every so often to get the hearts and about the time he made two dead people walk out of his parent's funeral parlor when he was a child. I talked about living with my aunt and how I covered the walls in our house with pieces of art, I also talked a bit about some of the passed people I talk to. You'd think it was a pleasant day but he told me to shut up every so often. 

"It's almost time for dinner, we should probably get cleaned up and go into the dining room before Miss Peregrine comes in throwing a fit"

"She'd do that?" I look at him with wide eyes.

"No" I sigh a breathe of relief, "I'm kidding she totally would" after he said that I rushed back to my room.

I washed my hands and fixed my hair up a bit and actually put shoes on before heading to the dining room, nearly everyone was there already including Enoch, I sat in the empty seat next to him and waited for the rest to arrive.

A few minutes later everyone was there and we started eating. "So how was your day Victoria?" Miss Peregrine asked me.

"It was fine" I say before I remember Enoch is the only one here that can hear me.

"She said it was fine" Enoch says for me not looking up while he does so. I look at him and smile gratefully and he smirks ever so slightly at me, Miss Peregrine grins a bit before Millard starts talking,

"What did you do all day" he asks.

"She spent the day with me" Enoch answers for me again. I nod and smile at Millard as to agree with Enoch. Everyone looked a bit shocked when he said that and it confused me but then I remembered that Enoch prefers to be alone.

"Wait, are you being serious?" Hugh asks

"What's that supposed to mean?" Enoch snaps

"No he just meant it's weird for you be with someone other than yourself" Horace says

"Im social when I want to be" Enoch tries to explain himself

"He just said he enjoys her company" Millard says shocked

"I literally didn-"Enoch tries to talk before getting cut off by Hugh

"He just said she's different oh my god I think he's in love"

"I never said that. Will you shut u-"Enoch tries to talk but again gets cut off by someone

"He is he is!" Olive points at Enoch and chants.

"I hate everyone here"

The rest of the table is either laughing or gossiping about Enoch and I whilst I sit there confused how to react.

I finally updated ! Sorry it took so long. Let me know what you wanna see in this story, like certain cute moments or anything. I do have some really cute stuff planned for Enoch and Victoria but I want to know what you want to see !

- S

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