Chapter 3

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I found her in the courtyard laying on the ground with a knife through her. I just stood there with my mouth open for a while, tears streaming down my face and then I screamed. I screamed until my lungs couldn't take it anymore. I just wanted to lay down and cry over the loss of the only living person whose ever cared about me but the passed people all told me I needed to leave incase the killer was still around, so I quickly grabbed some stuff I would need and put it all in a few suitcases. I grabbed the box under Aunt Mary's bed with the instructions on how to get to Miss Peregrine's, I then composed myself and left before saying goodbye to Mary's body, as I did not know if she would become a passed person or not and if I'd ever see her again.

The trip to Cairnholm Island was long cold and sad. I had a few of the passed people with me the entire trip to try and comfort me in my time of morning and others would come and go but all I wanted was to curl up in a ball and cry my feelings out but I couldn't because I had to stay strong and since I was traveling there were people all around me constantly.

When I finally reached the island I looked at the next few instructions Aunt Mary gave me and they sounded crazy. Go into this cave and I'll go back in time? I'm sorry but was she crazy? But never the less I follow her confusing and crazy instructions, I get in the cave and was out a minute later and went to walk in the town once again and it did in fact look like the 1940s. I stood there with my mouth open so shocked that I did in fact go back in time.

I followed the little map Mary made to show me how to get from the town to the house and once I saw the house I stood in awe once again, it was huge and so stunning. Bright flowers and plants where everywhere, with the greenest grass you'd ever seen and little animals of all sort. I walk down the path to the front door and a soon as I'm about to knock a lady with a pipe and dark blue hair opens the door.

"Ah, right on time" She says. "Hello I'm miss peregrine, but I'm guessing your aunt would've told you that Victoria."

I pulled out my paper and pen

How do you know who I am?

I wrote down for her.

"Your Aunt Mary told me all about you and your peculiarity, and she said you'd come here if something ever happened to her."

I look down sadly then write again.

Yes, she was murdered.

Her eyes soften and she also looks down sadly before speaking. "I thought it was something like that. Well I have no idea who did it or who would've done it but your Aunt was a dear friend of mine for many years. I'm sorry for your loss. Now I'm going to keep your loss from the children and you can tell them...well write to them your peculiarity if you wish as those are your things to tell. Now come along my dear."

She leads me upstairs and opens the door to a room with two cupboards, one on the left when you first walk in and another to the right of the window that was straight ahead when you walk in. There's a single bed with bedside table next to it on the right of the room and we walk in and there an added on bathroom with a sink and a mirror and a bath. But the best thing that was there was an easel in front of the window. 

Miss Peregrine caught me staring at it, "Your aunt told me how you love to paint so I got one for you, and there are also canvases in the cupboard.

Thank you! I love it

"You're welcome, now I'll come up to get you for dinner in about an hour or so, so I'll let you get settled in for now." She says then walks off and closes the door behind her.

I get a canvas from one the cupboard and get my paints out and ready.

I work on a quick painting of the grim reaper as all I could feel at the moment was sadness. About an hour later Miss Peregrine comes up and tells me it's time for dinner.

A/n: Victoria is going to finally meet Enoch in the next chapter! The next chapter will also be longer and things will start to get interesting

- S

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