Chapter 8

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Enoch and I sit in his room while he works on...whatever he's working on. Him on a stool in front of his counter and me sprawled out on his bed looking up at the ceiling.

"What's your favourite colour?" I ask suddenly filling the silence.

He turns and looks at me with a scowl on his face, though I'm not sure if it's because he's mad or if that's just his permanent face. "What"

"Mine is lilac, what's yours?"

He turns back around continuing his task "I don't have one"

"Oh come on everyone has one, what is it. Black?" I question




"Pink?" He turns to me, I know the scowl is an angry thing this time "I'm kidding calm down tough guy" I laugh at his reaction

"I already told you I don't have one" he reinstates

"Lying isn't a good look Enoch, is it uhh Green?" He's quite to my question "Oh my god it's green isn't it?" I'm excited I learnt something about him, even if it's something as simple as his favourite colour, I feel sort of accomplished.

"It's not my favourite I just, don't mind it. But only a dark green none of that lime bullshit"

"What have you got against the colour lime?" I laugh out

"Everything" He says so bluntly causing me to laugh even more.

I get up and walk over towards where Enoch is sitting at counter, I lean over his shoulder to get a peek at what he's working on and see him putting a doll together.

"Piss off you're too close" he snaps at me

I let out a startled squeak and step back not expecting the suddenly raised voice "I uh, was just looking, sorry" the now silent room is deafening after the awkward moment.

Enoch lets out a sigh before standing up and walking towards the door, he stops and turns back to look at me "are you coming or what?" I nod, following closely behind him.

We head towards the back door leading towards the garden, hearing the voices of the others outside as we near closer. "Are you...being social?" I ask with a confused expression

"No. I need things from outside"

"What things?" I question


"Aw cute what for?"

He looks at me for a second "I need their organs"

"Oh, oh my god of course, wow I feel stupid now"

He ignores my response as we step outside. Hugh, Millard, Bronwyn and Horace are in view playing soccer while Emma stands to the side and act as a referee. Fiona is seen tending to the garden whilst Claire and Olive sit on the grass playing with different dolls and toys.

"Oh wow we really are the only ones inside besides Miss Peregrine"

"Then stay out here if you'd prefer it" Enoch snaps

"Are you staying out here?" I ask

He scoffs "of course not"

"Then no, I don't want to be here if you won't be"

He looks at me with an embarrassed expression and a blush forming across his face.

I process what I said, not realizing how it sounded before I blurted it out "I- I meant like you're the only one I can actually talk to so I'm most comfortable around you" I ramble on trying to save myself, Enoch still staring at me with his bashful face. Luckily at that moment Horace notices us.

"Oh my god, is that Enoch outside?" Horace exclaims loudly "It feels like you haven't seen the sun in years"

"Where?" Millard stops running to look which in result causes him to get hit with the ball. "Ouch! what the hell Hugh"

"I was passing it to you! It's not my fault you suddenly stopped!"

"Why did you kick the ball so damn high? Do you know how to kick a ball?"

The two bicker as Horace and Bronwyn stop playing and walk over, Emma tries to calm the two arguing boys in the meantime.

"Enoch outside? and with a girl? I think I'm still dreaming" Bronwyn laughs, teasing Enoch.

"Shut up, I'm outside often I just ignore you lot"

"You ignore us but not Victoria? Hmm what's up with that?" Horace continues to riles him up.

"Oh piss off" Enoch walks away from the two mumbling as he does so "This is why I don't come outside, goddamn annoying"

I stand with Bronwyn and Horace knowing Enoch will be back once collecting what he needs, the two laughing watching the angry boy walk away.

Horace turns to me, "how are you today Victoria? I love your dress" I'm wearing a light pink dress with floral embroidery that ends just under my knees. I give a little curtsey and a smile as a way of saying thank you, since I cant do so verbally and I didn't bring any writing equipment, maybe I should've walked off after Enoch.

"It looks so pretty on you" Bronwyn exclaims "I can't believe Enoch keeps hogging you from us, we really ought to get to know each other more!"

"I agree, when we can steal you away from him we should have tea." Horace agrees

"Or you could join us in soccer!" Bronwyn suggests

"Oh god no, I won't put poor Victoria through that, I don't even know why I agreed to this horrid game" Bronwyn rolls her eyes as Horace knocks her suggestion.

I laugh along with them, enjoying their company but finding it a bit uncomfortable as I have no way to communicate well.

"He's gone, where did he go?" Millard runs up questioning the now missing Enoch "Hi Victoria it's good to see you!" he looks at me and says, well...I think he's looking at me? It's hard to know for sure. I gave a small wave and a smile back.

"He buggered off when we were teasing him about Victoria" Bronwyn explains with a chuckle

"I can't believe he didn't tell me about his crush on Victoria" Millard says

Horace scoffs "I can, the only times he talks to you is when he tells you to shut up"

"Can't a guy dream" Millard sighs

"Keep dreaming" Emma now walks up towards us as Hugh heads towards Fiona, she looks at me and gives a quick nod as her way of saying hello, which I return before she continues talking "plus, we aren't even sure if it's a crush or not and the person who he has this said 'crush' on is right here if you've forgotten." Emma lightly scolds them which I'm silently grateful for, I'm positive Enoch doesn't have a crush on me, hell I don't even know if he'd consider us friends yet.

"Why else would he hang out with Victoria? he hates people" Horace says, Millard's hat bobbing up and down to show he was nodding in agreeance.

"I never said him having a crush wasn't a possibility, we just need to be sure before we jump to conclusions" Emma says looking at me with a smirk. "Victoria we should have tea together tomorrow, and bring Enoch, so he can translate for you of course"

Horaces face lights up as if he realizes what's going on "ooh yes, Victoria do have tea with us tomorrow"

Bronwyn soon after has the same sudden realization and nods agreeing with the two.

"Wait what? We're having tea tomorrow? Will someone make cake for it?" Millard asks not having a realization like the other three.

"Oh god Millard you can be so daft sometimes" Horace rolls his eyes and says

I stand there equally confused as Millard, not knowing what they were planning but knowing they're up to something. Having no way I could refuse this sudden invitation to a tea party, I nod a yes and wonder how on earth I could convince the seemingly antisocial Enoch to attend.

A/N I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update but here's a new chapter, hopefully I'll start posting more often but I hope you enjoy - S

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