Blade and the survivors.

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"A couple days later the horrible flesh staircase had finally been burnt to the ground, nothing remained but a pile of charred bones

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"A couple days later the horrible flesh staircase had finally been burnt to the ground, nothing remained but a pile of charred bones. Bodies which once lined the streets had been collected and buried in a mass grave."

"None of the soldiers knew the true purpose of that monument, they simply thought it had been the work of the insane. Luna and Zera knew the truth though, they had sent a report of the recent events to Border Manager Farks and were awaiting a response."

"In the meantime the only three survivors of the Itzes massacre had awoken and Luna was currently on her way to talk to them."

"She needed something to take her mind off of the horrible experience she had climbing that staircase."


I lifted the tent flap to the infirmary and as it opened I saw three faces turn to look at me, they were the three survivors.

The stick boy, the giant boy and the girl all looked at me as I walked into the infirmary.

"I trust you have been told what happened?"

There was a brief moment of silence then the stick boy spoke out.

"Yea we know, you're all failures."


"What? These are the border guards that were supposed to protect us, and look what they let happen, our families are dead! Aren't you supposed to be some revered hero? You were called 'Blade' right? What a pathetic excuse for a border guard, you couldn't even stop the enemy. What use is a 'blade' who can't even cut-"

"You're right."

I put my sword beside me and knelt down, bowing my head to the floor. 

This boy was completely right, we had failed them entirely.

"We the border guard have failed you, I won't be so rude to ask for your forgiveness but just know that this failure will haunt us for the rest of our lives."

The three of them were silent for a long time as I kept my head bowed down against the floor, this was probably the only time they had ever seen a Holy Knight bow their head. If any other Holy Knight saw this they probably would have thought I was throwing my reputation in the trash but in my eyes this was the least I should do.

"This is enough isn't it Uzair, her commander was killed and so were many of the soldiers, they marched right after to try and reach us in time. Let us not torment them any further."

"Hmph, whatever. Stop bowing your head to us, it won't bring back our dead families."

I slowly lifted my head and got up taking a seat on a nearby bed. The boy Uzair still refused to look at me but the girl Nel was smiling softly at me.

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