Business in the capital.

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"The Holy Capital of the Empire was an advanced city by all standards. The city was so large it would take four hours to travel from one end to the other on horseback, at least 500,000 citizens lived in this city at any given time. In regards to defense the entire city was surrounded by a massive 30m high stone wall that was 10 men thick. It was so thick horses could run atop it, every 100m or so a trebuchet was built into the structure."

"As for infrastructure the city was the most advanced in the country. An intricate road system easily connected every part of the city and the sewer system ensured the city remained spotless. Homes and buildings were built tall which was extremely expensive and laborious but resulted in the most efficient use of space. The city was also self-sufficient and had various underground sources of water and internal pillar farms for growing food."

"The Capital was home to a number of key government offices and important organizations like the Church, Holy Knight Trainee schools and Holy Knight headquarters."

"However, as one would expect all this luxury came at a heavy cost and only the most wealthy and influential people could afford to live in the Capital. There were no slums in the city to be seen not because the city did a good job at supporting the non wealthy but because they would be quick to send guards to chase out the poor. You even required a certain amount of wealth or prestige to be granted entry for a simple visit."

"At the gatehouse seeking entry into the Capital was the party of Luna, they had finally arrived at the Capital after a couple weeks journey."


The Holy Capital of the Empire had finally come into view, it's huge walls were something Zera and I saw everyday during our studies. I stretched and let out a big groan.

"Gwahhhhh! We're finally here."

"Yes, the journey took two-weeks by foot, it would have been faster by horseback but alas we didn't have any. But look."

Zera pointed to the huge line of caravans and people that sprawled in front of the gatehouse.

"The Capital is as busy as always."

"Of course, it's full of the wealthy and wealth always attracts merchants. And while we may be used to it..."

I scratched my cheek a bit and looked at the three teens who had come with us. They were currently staring in awe at the huge walls of the Capital and excitedly talking to each other.

"Look at the walls! They must be 5 times taller than the walls at Itzes!"

"Indeed! And look at the huge thick wooden doors. That must be a small forest worth of lumber!"

"And look at how many visitors are trying to get in, there must be ten merchant caravans trying to get in. All of them are twice as big as any that ever came to Itzes! I wonder if they sell silk..."

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