A meeting with death [2]

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"Mmm, the lord is not unjust, this man has paid the price we shall not punish him further

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"Mmm, the lord is not unjust, this man has paid the price we shall not punish him further. In fact, let us show the lords good will through this man."

The Cloaked Woman went to the cauldron and scooped out a serving of green liquid. Then she went to the Gert and poured it into his mouth. Gert wasn't conscious enough to swallow so she just closed his mouth and eventually Gert's body convulsed a bit before swallowing the liquid.

The woman got up and upheld her hands like a showman.

"Behold, the gift of the lord!"

The crowd stared close as they waited to see something happen, they stared and stared but nothing happened. Gert's body didn't move. The woman realizing something was amiss looked down at Gert then kicked him slightly.

"Oh, I guess he died before he could receive the lord's blessing. Well let this be a warning to those who wish to deny the lords offer."

The Cloaked Woman waved her hand and a few scarfed soldiers took the body of Gert over to the edge where they threw him off. I swear, just before Gert fell out of sight I saw the ghost of a twisted smile form on his face, but perhaps it was just my imagination.

All in all, my mental state right now was questionable at best. That entire scenario that just played out before me should have horrified me, made me sick or angry or scared and yet I felt nothing.

Something was seriously wrong with me. It's probably because I was dying.

"Okay, with that distraction out of the way, those of you interested in the lord blessing, please step forward."

This time the fight had completely left the crowd of townsfolk. Many of the townsfolk stepped forward and were given cups full of the green liquid from the pot. The few that stayed behind either were unconscious or their mind had already overloaded.

This was a good opportunity to look through the survivors to see if Nel was here. I scanned through the crowd looking for Nel, but I didn't see her. Well, maybe she didn't get away, but at least she wasn't in this hell.

A familiar face did pass my eyes, it was Mrs Sanders. She was one who had stayed behind, it appears her legs were cut and she couldn't move. I called out to her.

"Hey Mrs.Sanders."

Mrs.Sanders looked around weakly then her eyes focused on me.

"Oh Yule, are you alright..."

She turned weakly to look back at the ceremony about to take place.

"Ahh, I guess it doesn't matter much."


There was a long moment of silence as we watched the Cloaked Woman continue to hand out cups of green liquid.

"Excellent, now you wise children, drink and receive the gift of our lord."

The people all reluctantly tipped the cup and drank the green liquid. They immediately began to convulse on the ground scratching at their bodies as if they were burning up. Some of them began to foam at the mouth and started shaking, those ones didn't get up. The ones who did get up all seemed the same as before except for one new feature.

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