Chapter 11 (Part 2)

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Author's Note:

I know I know. It's nearly been almost a year since I've last updated. I'm so sorry! And I know my original readers might not even be here or interested anymore but if you are thank you guys so much! I had a random feeling of inspiration! I finished this chapter at like 1AM. So I don't know if that'll show in the final product. Possibly. Probably. But I hope you guys enjoy and please tell me what you think! Like:
-Who's your favorite character?
- Thoughts on Raefiya and Saros?
- Thoughts on Raefiya and Saros and their relationship....Or lack thereof?
Remember that votes and comments motivate to write/update more! (:
I can feel the rough cool texture of rubble and mushy wet dirt beneath my feet. Dry peeling bark presses against my back as I take shelter behind the massive size of the tree closest to me. I clutch the outfit I had worn just moments ago against my chest. Now dressed in an oversized navy blue shirt swallowing me from my shoulders to inches away from my calves. Saros's shirt.

The one he oh so graciously let me borrow that he usually kept in his locker as a change of clothes. Why? I'm not sure. Something about being a naturally dirty boy, he had said. A little teasing glint in his eye as soon as the sentence left his mouth. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from grimacing. Cheeky little fuck.

Now here I was over thinking the entire situation. I'm out in the middle of no where. In front of some lake, in the middle of some kind of forest, with a boy I can't stand, and dressed in nothing but his shirt and pair of spandex. Why the hell did I even agree to this?

From just a few feet away I can hear the careless laughter of a careless boy and the splashes of skin against water. Along with the ripple and swish of it with every stroke he made.

"You just gonna stand there all day, Montgomery?" His voice calls out. I scowl at the direction of the voice despite knowing he couldn't see me from this angle. "Water's getting cold."

"Don't rush me, Princely! A girl needs to take her time" I say. He scoffs.

"How long does it take for a girl, one barely half the size of me at that, to put on a shirt?"

I have a better question.

How long do you think it would take a girl to choke the life out of you? - I retort in my mind. A montage of all the ways Saros could "accidentally" drown during this little journey fills my thoughts. I'd like to see him give me that infuriating charming grin and come up with a comeback while lake water pours into his throat. I imagine his flailing arms and frantically kicking legs as I dunk his head the way they used to dunk clothes into buckets to clean them in the olden days.

Ah, sweet sweet homicide, but with a touch of old school class.

It paints a lovely image in my head. I take a moment to bask in the fantasy but it just as quickly disperses when I hear a loud sound start to penetrate the air. It snaps my attention out from my thoughts turning my head to the direction where I thought I heard it from. Loud and sharp. Obnoxious and repetitive. I stand up straight and feel my hands curl into tight fists.

Is he...

Is he fucking making chicken noises at me?

"BAWK! BAWK!" The voice echoes and I can just imagine him folding his arms, sticking out his elbows, and flapping them up and down like a bird at his sides. You gotta be kidding m- "BAWWWWK!"

"You are a child!" I snarl.

"You to talk! You're the one hiding!"

"I am not hiding!" I protest.

"Then what do you call crouching behind a tree for the past twenty minutes?"

"I call it none of your business!"

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