Chapter 2

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The air is cold and the courtyard is crowded by the time we found a table. Voices hover above me as I sit crouched over in my seat nibbling on lightly salted crackers. Beside me Juliet starts to recall the show we had just participated with Eres Chasten just minutes ago with everyone else. Her eyes grow wide, the corner of her mouth pulled up in a slight snarl, and her arms flaying wildly as she tells the story. The whole table is stunned into silence ultimately entrapped by her recount of the situation.

I can feel a few pairs of eyes drift towards me here and there but I refrain from looking up. One, cause I hate attention. Secondly because I might not be able to hold in my laughter this time around. Just the thought of Eres screaming like a banshee, messy strands of her brown hair whipping back and fourth against her cheeks, and that scrunch of her brows that in turn crumpled up her nose in unison in utmost hatred made me glow in pride.

Only I could truly get her like that.

I do admit getting under her skin isn't that hard. I probably shouldn't be proud of it either but I think just about everyone pisses Eres Chasten off. She's not exactly a people person. I'm not either but at least I fake it until I make it. I'm typically able to keep myself in everyone's good graces, but only because they don't know better.

"Then her boyfriend came over hauling her straight off the floor!" Juliet exclaims. "He tried to calm her down but Eres wasn't having it. She was kicking and screaming all the while pointing at Raefiya like she's the anti-Christ" The table instantly erupts in snickers.

"I swear that bitch gets crazier every passing day" Liam rolls her eyes. Her face devoid of any other emotion but pure annoyance as she absentmindedly stabs at her food.

"When isn't that girl making a scene?" Arsen scoffs popping a peice of chocolate into his mouth. "That's all she ever does. Someone ought to give her, her own reality TV show" I bite the corner of my lip managing a half smile behind a curtain of my hair.

"What happened after?" Atarah asks leaning forward in anticipation. Juliet grins.

"Nothing else really. Her and Travis just get into this weird stare down and then next thing I know he's carrying her off" She shrugs.

"Poor guy" Lev cackles clearly feeling anything but bad for the 'poor guy'.

"I don't get how he can deal with her" Liam mutters underneath her breath. For a fraction of a second a sad look mists in her eyes but just as fast as it came it disappears and she's back to stabbing her grapes. That wipes the smile clean off my face. No one else seems to notice but I can see the extra force in her grip around her fork piercing through the poor defenseless fruit.

Up in the sky the sun is completely blanketed by grey clouds reminding me of Liam. Sunny but masked behind a cold and gloomy darkness. While I would describe myself as Mondays unlikeable and some might even consider the shit stain on one's happiness. Liam to me was like Fridays. She brought happiness, hope, and people can't help but anticipate her arrival. She's funny and wild. The life of the party. The beginning of a good time. So it sucks to see that occasionally ruined because of some guy.

Any guy willing to put up with Eres Chasten wasn't worth her time in my opinion. Or possibly any other girl's time to be honest. Sure Travis Dreckon is cute. He had the whole boy next door look nailed down to a T. Light brown hair, blue eyes, and captain of the football team. I wouldn't say he's necessarily a mean person either. I think he may have had genuine feelings for Liam all those months ago but by the end of the day everyone knows he ended up picking his ex Eres over her when it came down to it.

She was crushed. She had thought there was a real fighting chance between the two but I guess the power of past love just couldn't be beat and she's been avoiding him since. Talk about him seems inevitable so that wasn't off limits. However any possible close interaction with him was heavily restricted.

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