Chapter 9

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I tossed and turned all night after leaving that message on seen. Whenever I closed my eyes all I can see is those same sentences flashing behind my closed eyelids. The sight of her straight black hair, pale light blue eyes, slender nose, strong jawline, high cheekbones, thin top lip, and full bottom lip ingrains itself into my memory as if to make sure it can't slip through any crack so that I won't forget. Saro's girlfriend. She's beautiful. Her face had an innocent gentleness to it accompanied by a mysterious allure.


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Damn. What the fuck was I supposed to say!? I hadn't even known Saros had a girlfriend! I didn't see any pictures on his profile nor seen him be extra special towards any girl in class or the few times I see him on the yard or in the hallways.

I grudgingly woke up that morning tiredly rubbing my eyes with that damned message still on my mind. Stupid Saros Hellion. It's barely been a month and he's already brought too much chaos into my life. If it weren't for him I wouldn't have angry girlfriends messaging me demanding that I stay away from her man and calling me a disrespectful floozy.

Okay the floozy part was added by me, but the implication was there. She called me shady for trying to hang out with a taken guy. Despite the fact that I would hardly call the madness I endured at Saro's house as "hanging out". Plus we were doing a project. I didn't beg him to spare me a glance. Hell, I didn't even beg him to be my partner!  It was all him! Why isn't he being reprimanded!? Bet it's that stupidly weird dork smile that he has that has her wrapped around his finger.

All I know is he has to fix this.

The moment I wake up I feel a wave of groggy exhaustion. My mind so preoccupied that I nearly walk into the wall on my way to the bathroom. My mind is a clusterfuck of thoughts zooming past each other faster than Harry Potter on that broom stick. First thing I planned to do was confront my hell boy of a partner so he can call off his girlfriend's witch hunt for me.

Then maybe sock him in the face for all those times he's teased and came close to me all the while having a girlfriend. Sure we never really flirted but he had touched my hands, touched strands of my hair, and whispered into my ear. I think that still counts as inappropriate for a dude in a relationship. I should've known golden boy would have a few stains.

After taking a shower and brushing my teeth to cleanse my mouth of morning breath. I throw on a dark grey off the shoulders top, light grey plaid leggings, and white sneakers. My hair remained in its natural messy waves after trying to my hardest to tame it. Which I never succeed in.

 Which I never succeed in

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