Chapter 11 (Part 1)

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I hate him.

I hate him so much.

I'm going to kill him and make it look like an accident.

The day went by quickly. Far too quickly then I'd like. Usually I'd be counting down the seconds till the final bell would ring so I could get my school hours over with, but now I couldn't even daydream that far. All that occupied my mind was what was waiting for me during my lunch break. I guess that as well as daydreaming about the food I'd managed to scam out of Saros just so he can bribe my time.

As soon as that bell rung I felt a rush of emotions. Too many to name but all of them negative to say the least. I felt composed on the outside not a dent on my face, but instead I was sighing and groaning at the thought of what was awaiting me soon. I avoided the usual route to Juliet's locker as well as her side of the hallway where usually by this time she'd be exiting Ms. Carmen, our Spanish teacher's class. Instead I kept my head down and went on as per usual hoping that if Saros wants to leave we'd do it sooner rather than later that way I don't have to people seeing us leave together.

It took approximately me walking back and fourth in the hallway for twenty minutes before the moron decided to make an appearance and of course he wasn't alone. I spy him walking out of Mr. Brose's class with girl I knew only by name but not as a real accquaintance walks besides him. The student council president Valeria Samp.

In which this is what leads me to now still standing in the same spot and wishing I could light him on fire for keeping me waiting.

I glare at him with the same intensity I'd use if I were attempting to freeze hell over. Saros easily finds my gaze over the dozens of body walking to and from different rooms and flooding the halls. He grins upon spotting me. I tap my wrist impatiently scowling back at him. I mouth "Hurry".

He pouts playfully at this clasping his hands together as if in a pleading motion. I sneer and raise my chin looking the other way to snub him. I can just feel his grin widen when he coughs lightly as if to hold back his laugh. When I finally decide to glance back at him he gestures one finger to me asking me to spare him a minute before turning back to his lady friend. The pretty brunette with dark eyes, tan skin, and long legs.

She's laughing way too hard when his mouth is barely moving for me to believe she genuinely thinks he's funny. Nonetheless she seems more enamored by his smile and his arms as he is with her legs to keep the conversation going.

Kill. Me. Now.

I continue to stand close besides the school's back doors imaging what it'd be like to punch that shit eating smug grin of his. Pretty brunette holds his arm while they talk on and on about who knows what. A high pitch but rather charming giggle bursting from her when he flexes his muscle beneath her dainty hand.

That's it.

I'm out.

If I stay any longer I think I'm going to be sick.

I feel a buzz against my hip and I reach for it with a grimace still on my face watching Saros catch a strand of her chocolate brown hair. It loosely coils around his finger and he slowly twirls it while maintaining eye contact. The two of them conversing in the middle of hall as if it isn't lunch rush and as if Saros and I hadn't made a deal to ditch. Their eyes beam with a promise of mischief intertwined with challenge and lust.

I just want my burger dammit.

I grumble annoyedly to myself reaching for my phone and taking it out of my pocket. I finally look away from the merry but handsy couple and down at my lock screen where a I see a text notification.

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