Chapter 3

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Author's Note: Beware! A really long chapter ahead! I never expected it to be this long! It turned out a lot shorter in my head but then realized the interaction that I wanted was too short so I stretched it out a bit and by a bit It ended up turning this chapter to a scroll! But I hope you enjoy it anyway! Picture of Sandra Blake on top!


The rest of the day was utter shit.

I murmur a string of curse words underneath my breath all the while stuffing books and papers into my backpack. The meduim sized navy blue sack starts to weigh me down nearly dragging me to the floor. I grit my teeth swallowing back a growl and use all my strength to heave the thing onto my back. Without much grace I put my arms through the thick straps. I align the pads as best as I can against my shoulders but it's not use.

A small squeak breathes between my lips and I nearly dip backwards thanks to the load. I groan slamming my locker shut and marching down the hall with purpose. Or basically stomping as fast as can both in anger and because I didn't want to break my back any time soon. Not only do I have a mountain of assignments due by Monday and a cluster of tests scheduled on Thursday, but it turned out I had Saros Hellion in a maximum of three classes. Three. Goddamn. Classes. Three sections of the day where he's in my vicinity, breathing my air, and smiling about it

"Hey you" He'd greet me once I walked in as if we were old pals. I won't lie. He caught me off guard. My jaw dropped and I gaped like a fish upon seeing him in my History class and I nearly flipped a desk over when I saw him in my Chemistry class. Thankfully he knew better and decided not to sit beside me in either instances but that didn't stop him from purposely walking by my desk at times. Accidentally hitting my chair so I would look up and he'd give me that boyish half smile.

He keeps up with that and he'll be writing a wish list to Santa for his two front teeth after I knock them out.

We didn't speak much but I could feel his gaze. I could sense the storm brewing in his mind. Okay that's a bit dramatic, but I know I didn't dodge him just by pure luck! Whatever it is he's after he might as well give up now. Cause if there's one thing I hate most it's losing and I don't plan on losing.

By the time I throw myself at the doors bursting them open I can see Juliet, Lev, and Liam waiting for me by the front gates. I trudge my way over to them bent over my knees and looking like the embodiment of a human turtle.

"What are you carrying in there? Bricks?" Lev hollers, then I hear the slap of skin, and a yelp. "Ow!"

"You need any help there, Rae?" Liam calls after him.

"Nah!" I manage in a strained voice. The back of my throat burns and I try not to pant underneath the weight above me. " You guys ready to go?"

"Yeah! Just waiting for Atarah, Roland, and Arsen" Juliet says. I take a few muscle wrenching steps forward before I reach them. My knees shake and my lips are pulled back into a thin line trying to mask the pain. I don't even protest when Lev slides my backpack off of my shoulders and holds it for me. I inhale deeply then release it in the same breathe in a sigh of relief.

"You okay there, grandma?" Lev teases rubbing my back gently.

"Shut up" I huff slapping away his hand and he chuckles.

"Damn, seriously though what the hell do you have in here? The whole library?" Lev retorts testing the weight of my backpack in his hands. I huff out another breath.

" I have like ten assignments and four tests next week" I groan massaging my already aching lower back. "Plus this stupid project in English" I mutter under my breath.

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