Chapter 5

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Saturday went by in a breeze of cheesy lines, declarations of love, and intense make out sessions. In movies that is. Juliet fawned over the whole ordeal wide eyed and in a trance like state until an hour away till midnight. Sunday dwindled down between a mass of assignments and an aching hand. Then before I knew it, it was Monday.

Juliet waited outside my house just like every morning and as usual she drove me to school with Lev and Arsen arguing in the backseats. Liam doing last minute homework besides them just to yell later when they accidentally nudge her. Atarah is up front in the passenger seat singing at the top of her lungs with Juliet.

Then there was me sitting quietly in my seat and staring down at the conversation on my phone's screen that I just had half an hour earlier.

stars_ofhell: Text me

raefaemontgomery: Ummm. Why?

stars_ofhell: Cause talking on here is inconvenient. Texting would just be easier.

raefaemontgomery: In what way? Lol

stars_ofhell: You are SO difficult

raefaemontgomery: No I'm not!

stars_ofhell: Text me

raefaemontgomery: So demanding

stars_ofhell: Text me , please

I had sighed then but figured he wouldn't leave me alone if I didn't abide by his wish. Truth is I had inserted his number into my phone that same day he gave me that peice of paper in our English class. I switched to my messages and clicked onto his contact name. Prince Idiot

Text - I send him

FINALLY! - Prince Idiot

So what was so important that you had to text me?

Meet me behind campus afterschool - Prince Idiot


So I can give you a ride to my house, jumpy - Prince Idiot

You demanded me to text you just for that?

Yea - Prince Idiot


You could've just said that thru Dms

Yeah, but I'd rather you text my number - Prince Idiot


Wouldn't want my number to go to waste. Now, would we? - Prince Idiot

That literally makes no sense. Why - I had began typing but he already responded before I could finish.

Gotta go. See ya later - Prince Idiot

Then that was that.

I went to school. I attended my classes like usual. Only thing that I found eyebrow raising was the fact that a certain brunette boy with green eyes wasn't in class today. I felt an uneasy clench beginning to fist my muscles tightly in my gut. If he lied to me about the whole driving to his house after school to work on the project plan then he's going to see hell on earth.

Nonetheless I went on my merry way for the rest of the day. As soon as the clock stroked three and the final bell rang I shot up out of my seat. I packed my things and then prepared my way towards the school back doors. I had already informed all my friends beforehand about meeting Saros. Oher than Lev making kissing noises and Arsen frowning in disapproval everyone else seemed to understand.

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