Chapter 12

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I made sure to hide behind two thick strands of my brown blonde hair. My pace quickening with a kick of my heels bouncing off of the asphalt of the parking lot as I high tailed out of there and farther away from my idiot prince of a companion. I can hear the clinging of his car keys as well as the shuffle of his clothes and the skid of his shoes as he scrambles to lock his car. I roll my eyes upon hearing the thump of his steps running from behind to catch up with me.

"Why are you running from me for? Don't tell me" His voice is heavy almost panting from his run. I thought athletes were supposed to be the poster children of health and energy. I spare him a brief glance arching up my left brow at him. "You're afraid to be seen with me!?" He dramatically exclaims.

"Shhh!" I hiss behind clenched teeth swatting at his arm. "We're on school property in case you forgot and unless you wanna get in even more trouble for arriving to class late I say the less attention we bring ourselves, the better."

Yes, as I'm sure anyone can tell. Our little swim trip did override the time we had for lunch. I don't know what's more frustrating. That this meathead thought it a good idea to go eat and swim in the middle of the woods and think we'd somehow make it back on time. Or my dumbass for even entertaining the idea. I'm starting to worry on whether or not I even still have braincells left after being around him so much.

My eye twitches when he easily matches into step with me. I hold back a frown upon realizing how much he looms over me. How much longer his legs are. Makes me want to kick him in the shin.

"We're already going to get in trouble" He shrugs nonchalantly. "Might as well embrace it, right?"

"That's no way a golden boy should talk. You kiss your soccer trophies with that mouth?"

"Yes. And with tongue"

"You're disgusting" I growl shoving him away with my shoulder to which he lets out a boom of laughter to.

"I love when you berate me"


"Maybe" He winks lifting the corner of his pink mouth in a lazy half grin. Cretin. I try to pick up my fast mom-jogging-in-the-park-with-weights-walk but he catches up in seconds. Hell, with those legs. I bet he isn't even trying to match me at this point. He can just cover ground with a walk as much as I can by running. I sigh softly to myself.

I know my friends are probably worried. I told them I was running off with a guy for lunch and I end up coming back late? Good lord I hope they don't assume I'm dead. Or worse. That I was sinning in the name of teenage lust. The thought makes a grimace cross my face.

"Hey that reminds me" Saros speaks up again. His voice full of cheery and without a care in the world. "Have you thought about my offer?" My bottom lip puckers in question at this. We reach the school front doors pushing absent mindlessly at the bars and entering inside.


"You know. About my party this Friday?" He quirks up a brow. This time I don't need to fake any emotion as genuine surprise fixes over my face. Party? Since when, I wonder. I begin to rack my brain for any past mentions of a party. Let alone his party. Then that's when it hits me.

Oh righhhht.

He had asked me a few days ago when he was driving my back home from doing our project at his house. I had totally forgotten about it, but mostly I guess I was hoping he'd forget about it too.

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