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"Where have you been all my life?" The side of his mouth quirks up in a little smirk alighting his eyes in amusement. A small light glares through the window giving us enough light to find the other's gaze and plenty of it to accentuate his distinct features. I mentally make a checklist of all the details I'm able to make out in this small barely lit space.

A strong jawline, high cheekbones, long lashes framing a pair of dark green eyes, and wavy locks of chocolate brown hair. My eyes silently make their trail taking count of each and every mole spotting from his cheeks to his jaw. He was beautiful, and I can tell by the way he towered over me like he owned the place that he knew it. Of course he did.

Our chests almost touch as we share the same breath. His hand rests beside my head against the wall while I look up at him and he stares down at me. I can just slightly feel one of his fingers carefully lace through my hair brushing his knuckle along the shell of my ear. I tense for a moment in an attempt to refrain from shuddering.

Who would have ever known that I'd be in a cliché scene huddled against a wall by a boy in the janitor's closet and to make it worse, I even liked it. I liked it a lot.

"I'd ask you the same question" I whisper raising my arms and circling them around his neck. He easily complies when I tug him towards me letting his forehead brush against mine. I caress the sides of his neck. His skin smooth and soft underneath my fingers. "But I already know the answer. I'd say you most likely were probably in some other's girl's bed"

"Ohhhhhh" He lets out a bark of laughter. The smirk on his face turning into a full blown grin as he holds my gaze not even for a moment breaking eye contact. Instead his arms wrap around my waist and I let out a soft gasp as he pulls me towards him. The warmth of him seeps through my clothes once our bodies meet sending a tingle down my spine. I nearly gulp upon feeling my hips fitting snug into his. I can't even help but take note of how I now stood just mere inches away from his mouth. His breathes fan against my cheeks.

"That's cold" He feigns a pout and I try my hardest to fight a smile but ultimately lose. I giggle softly only loud enough for him to hear and glide my hands up the length of his throat. I take a hold of his jaw and slowly draw him closer. He dips his head meeting me halfway and I place my lips against his smiling when he instantly kisses me back.

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