Chapter 7

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Author's Note:

Sorry for not updating in months! My laptop ended up locking me out so I couldn't write on here for some time! Also I've just been busy with school and all my summer plans! So I deeply apolog-

Saros: Author please just get on with the story. Everyone isn't here to hear your excuses. They're here to see me


Raefiya: *Rolls eyes*

Saros: What? Was it something I said?

Me *Sighs*: Very well then. I'm sorry for the long wait, but I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

Saros: I do too. Cause I'm in it!

Raefiya: One scene! Can I get one scene where I get to hit him!?

Saros: Alexa, play Obssesed by Mariah Carey

Raefiya: *Deep inahle*

Raefiya: Alright readers go on and read the new chapter while I strangle Saros behind the scenes

Saros: Hell yea - Wait what


There have been plenty of times where I've felt awkward before. I'm sure everyone has been there before and perhaps sometimes with a friend. Hell, family members even. Typically though it appeared around strangers. It's brand new unknown territory and first impressions speak volumes.

And as loud and confrontational as I can get sometimes it's a fact that I'm not like that all the time. I know when I've stepped into a situation that's bigger than me. I know when I'm looking at a losing battle straight in the face. I'm no badass. Loud? Rude? Vengeful? Conniving? Yes. Bitchy? Hell yes.

However that didn't make me invincible. Fucking hell, I'm still nothing but a 5'2 blonde girl who looked twelve. I know it's always cool to watch and read about the bad girls who terrorizes everyone, beats up girls, boys, and is somehow this kung fu warrior mafia queen, but I'm afraid that's not me. I mean quite honestly what are even the odds of that? Plus if you got a whole business making you bank why even bother coming to school anyway-

Okay, I'm getting off topic.

Also I'm rambling onto borderline stupidity.

Point is that even I, for all that my loud ass is worth, can be speechless. I can be overwhelmingly embarrassed. It doesn't happen often as I usually face things head on and roll my eyes at the prying eyes clouding with judgement and excitement at the sight of someone possibly in distress. I didn't like to fret. I preferred not to sweat under any pressure.

However when that situation has to do with a boy, his family, and sexual rendezvous within their home. Then I can't help but break out into a sweat and avoid all eye contact.

Currently Saros and I crouch over his phone staring down at the screen where a girl in mid walk with dirty blonde hair stares back at us over her shoulder. It's a tad blurry but there's no mistaking her half lidded eyes and straight mouth identical to mine. Her eyes stare directly into the camera to the point where I can't believe I hadn't notice back then.

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