Chapter 13

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The rest of the day passed by as if it were nothing. It's weird. For some reason I felt like I was a walking sign that illuminated like neon in the dark about how I had ditched lunch with the school's star soccer player. However no one bat an eye. No one else even spared me a second glance. It all played out like how any other normal day would. Which shouldn't be a surprise. Yet I don't know what it was, but something about me felt different.

Whether that was a difference in my attitude once I came back, my scent, my appearance, or the atmosphere around me. In my perspective I seemed more off than I ever had before. Yet I suppose to most people I was just the innocent little clueless Raefiya I have always been. Unbeknownst to them that I had just ditched a good portion of the day off campus. That I had ran off for a measly free burger and some fries. That I had just spent half an hour dog paddling and splashing around in a lake in the middle of nowhere.

Or how the scent and warmth of Saros Hellion lingered staining my skin. Parts of my body now familiar with the firm yet gentle stroke of his palms. The length of his fingers and the warmth of his skin all the while water clung onto it.

It made my blood boil. My hands curl into guarded fists as I tell myself it's due to the fury of how nonchannately he could place his hands on me. He hadn't even seemed phased in the slightest. I walk lost in thought exiting campus after hearing the dissmal bell ring. The feeling of disbelief still as heavy as a block of ice placed over me.

Jesus Christ - who the fuck cares Raefiya?

So a guy touched you and what about it?

It's not like it's the first time.

Which is true. It's not like I'm a virgin. It's not as if a guy has never touched me before. Hell, it's not like I have never touched a boy myself before. As I do have my own needs and desires. I huff. Perhaps it just throws me off a tad considering the setting and situation wasn't inherently sexual nor meant to be. It sort of just happened. Which makes the encounter all the more stranger.

"Dammit" I curse, slapping my cheeks. Enough. I swam with a guy. Things got a little tangled. So what? That's all there is to it. Now he's off possibly fighting off or having I hate you sex with his ex. So why the hell does it matter? There's no point in pondering or wondering. Wonderfully built and attractive or not. The last thing I want is to use any remaining spare braincells thinking about-

"There you are, you little vixen!" A high pitch squeal snaps me from my thoughts. It isn't until I blink myself back into reality that I realized that I have already reached the front gates of the school. One foot out the door and the other still halfway on campus grounds. On instinct I look up ahead of me where dozens of pairs of eyes stare back at me. Mainly the ones to catch my attention are a pair of dark brown eyes framed by ringlets of black hair. Juliet.

"So you finally show your face after having your little escapedes with Saros Hellion huh?" The voice I recognize in the haze of my other thoughts, as Lev. Practically screeching at me.

"Shh!" I hiss practically flying like a bat out of hell. I clamp a hand over his mouth. "It was a one time thing and for a good cause. Can we just drop it?"

"No way! You can't just run off with the soccer king and come back twenty minutes after and not share with the rest of the class!" Roland argues.

"He just bribed me with a burger so he didn't have to leave campus alone. That's all"


"It isn't!"

"Listen as much as gossip and little fancy soccer players aren't my thing I gotta agree - that does smell a lil fishy" Atarah raises her brows expectantly. I gape like a fish out of water.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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