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𝟐:𝟏𝟕 𝐏𝐌
𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬,𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐤

Saymar takes a puff out of his blunt sitting on the black leather sofa in his room, watching the smoke come out of his mouth getting into the zone since he came home from another wack day at school

"Saymar"He heard his mom call for him from downstairs,he sucks his teeth putting the blunt down,onto his custom black backwoods tray placed on the glass coffee table in front of him that has his nickname Craze in the middle in red letters 

"Ma"He called back standing up from the sofa  making his way to the white bedroom door,grabbing the golden rusted door knob twisting and pulling it

"Mar come help ya parents with these groceries"His step-dad called out making Mar huff but quietly since for whatever reason both of his parents have super hearing

"Coming!"Mar called back,doing a light jog down the steps going straight outside to the car where his mom is standing by the opened truck of her black Jeep Cherokee

"Mar we need to go on another nail date them dogs are out"His mom made a joke as she goes in the truck for bags of groceries that he can take inside.Saymar chuckles then she hands him three bags

Sis pushing 40 and acting like she 18. Mar thought to himself while walking back up to the house going in since the door is left opened

Saymar helped his parents with the groceries then went right back upstairs to smoke since his parents don't mind. As long as he's safe in the home they could care less

"What time is it"He mumbled to himself turning on his phone to check the time...he sees its 3:00 so he stands up from the couch to get ready to go out


Mar walks up to the blue row house with his hands in his light green sweater pocket, as he approaches the house he's met by a friend of his brother standing outside

"Wassup youngin what you doing out here"Nate greeted Saymar then questioned him

"I''m looking for TJ"Mar told him making Nate twist up his face knowing Saymar is not supposed to be here

"Didn't TJ tell you to stop coming round here"Nate asked him,he notices the sorrow look on Saymars face so he clears his throat

"Come on"He gave in turning around to open the door,stepping inside the house where the tv is on playing loudly and TJ is watching it.Mar trails behind going up the two mini steps into the home

"T...your brother here"Nate told him having to slightly raise his voice since TJ acts like he cant hear shit

"Mar"TJ questioned as he gets up from the couch he is sitting on walking over to his friend,he spots Saymar right behind Nate making him sigh deeply

"I told you to stop coming here"TJ said to his brother and with that Nate walked away to the kitchen to let the two siblings figure their lives out

Tarvell sighs before turning to the couch reaching over to grab the remote so he can turn the tv down,then he turns his attention back to Saymar

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐄.Where stories live. Discover now