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"Eseani your letter for FIT just came"Kerry said walking into the bedroom with a letter from the college

"Im scared to open it"Eseani said as she sits on the bed criss cross and K walks over to hand her the letter

"Oh come on open it and lets see if you got in"

"Hold on"Xena said coming in the room with her phone camera record,shes been helping the kids apply for college and giving motivational speeches for the ones scared to go even tho they want to

"Ok go ahead"Kerry encouraged Eseani to open the letter,Eseani takes a deep breathe out before ripping the letter open taking out the paper that tells her if she got in or not

She opens the paper reading the top then her eyes travel down to Congratulations , she dosent get to excited until she sees that she made it

"I got in I got in"Eseani squealed loudly making Chester come into the room with blue balloons and blue gift bags

"Congratulations Eseani"Chester said walking over to her bed putting down the gift bags in front of her

Ese hugs her father then he moves away,she gets up to go hug Xena tightly

"Thank you Ms Xena"Ese thanked her

"Your welcome baby"

Ese moves to then hug her mom still overjoyed that she got into her dream school

"I have to call the others and see if they got in too"

"We will leave you too it,congrats again hun"With that all three adults left the room,Xena being the last out she closed the door behind her

Eseani got her phone off the dresser and just then shes getting a call from the groupchat of course she answers

"Yoo my college letter came in today"Kior spoke up first

"Mine too"Nymere spoke next having only his forehead showing in the camera

"You got in Kior"Nymere asked him,Kior smiles nodding his head showing the letter he got from FIT

"Kior you going to FIT"Cyro questioned not remembering what Kior applied too,out of the group he was the only one not going to college which he didn't mind

"Yeah I told you that"

"Me too"Eseani chimed in,now Ny shows his face to show that he's smiling ear to ear

"For real you got in"Kior asked as Eseani picks up the acceptance letter from her bed to show in the camera

"Yes I got mine too"

"Ny did you open your acceptance letter"

"Yeah im to NYU"Nymere told them like it was nothing making that three in the group thats staying in state

"Ny why you gotta be different"Antonio chimed in the conversation getting everybody on the call to laugh

"My fault man you know NYU been at the top of the list"Nymere explained himself before chuckling for a moment

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