𝟏𝟐:𝟒𝟐 𝐏𝐌

"Do you like that boy,Eseani"Her sister,Myla asked making Seani look up from her phone over at Myla

Eseani feels her face getting hot on the inside as the two sisters are now having a stare down

"No he just my friend"

"Mmm not by the way you blushing"Myla teased her seeing her light cheeks turning pink,giving Seani a cheesy smile


"Eseani whats up with you and Saymar"Her best friend,Ava,asked her as they walked away from the deli with black store bags in their hand

"Nothing we friends just friends"Eseani answered but the whole group knew it was probably more than that

"You blush everytime we speak on him you like my cousin girl"Asia chimed in while starring at Seani making her realize she's blushing yet again

"Ok ok I do but he already knows as of now we just friends"Eseani explained hoping that now they'll drop this topic

"Mmm he a lil playa tho watch out sis"Jasmina chimed into the convo next,Eseani turns her head to look over at her as Asia hits her shoulder

"Don't listen to her she want him for herself he is not a player he's a sweetheart"Asia told Seani with confidence in her voice

"Right he just know how to attract the woman thats all but trust girl he good for you and he don't have hoes"Ava put more of her two cents into the conversation going on

"Def something rare in new york"Ava added on

"Y'all think I should ask him out"Eseani asked them looking at the group

"Heck no"They all responded in unison looking at her crazy causing Seani to start laughing

"Why not"

"Let him do that its more romantic"Jasmina answered sounding a little hurt in her voice

"Mmm but you know you should watch out for the bully himself"Asia told her sort of grumbling and their minds runs across one person

"Jamiri"They all grumbled thinking about Eseani ex and their friend Maya,17 yr old brother who's always on his 'if I cant have you no one can' bullshit

"You know everybody gon be on they toes if he do anything to Saymar"

"Mhm he aint in the street but he sure do got hittas ready to jump for him"Ava said as they now turn a corner heading towards the train station

"Eani"Somebody called her name from behind her

"Oop there go yo man go get him"Ava snickered looking across the street then quickly turning away

"Yo Ani"Nymere now called making her turn around seeing Saymar and them across the street but she turns back ignoring him since she still feel bad for what she said to him

"I cant not after what I said to him"Eseani told the group making them look at her and stop walking to hear what she said

"Bitch what you say"Ava asked,Seani takes a big gulp turning around to face them looking at Asia in specifics

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐄.Where stories live. Discover now