
𝟓:𝟎𝟎 𝐏𝐌
𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬,𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐤

Saymar was released from the hospital however it made no difference since he was locked up in the house most of the time...for a good reason of course to keep him safe

For the most part while Xena worked he would be babysat by his grandmother and folks on his fathers side of the family but then again to give him some sense of freedom they would leave him in the house,still being watched by cameras that was newly installed in the home

"Saymar...i'm here to get my things"Tarvell Sr said while slowly backing up into the kitchen fridge since Saymar is standing in front of him with a knife in his hand

"Listen just put the knife down Saymar"

"How dare you betray my mom...betray us during this time is it because you think I'm losing my mind huh"Saymar yelled at him continuing to walk slowly towards him avoiding putting to much pressure on his ankle

For the most part only half of Saymars brain is fried which means he is thankfully still somewhat his old self before all this happened 

"You think im loco"

"Saymar please just put the knife down im sorry but its my time to go"

"So you put a ring back on my mom finger for the fun of it huh"


Tarvell grabbed the knife and in a quick motion sliced Saymar across the chest in diagonal line making a medium sized gash wound,Mar instantly drops to the floor clutching his right bicep where the cut is

Tarvell stares down at the child in complete shock that he did that,panicking he takes the knife and drags it down the side of his face making a mini cut

Tar tosses the knife in the sink then rushes out of the house to his car to call 911 ignoring the pain he felt in his face

"911 whats your emergency"

"I just went in my old home using my key to get some stuff and my step son slashed me in the face with a knife"Tarvell spoke quickly into the phone watching the crack opened front door of the house through the windshield of his car 

"Im at 141-30 Lincoln Drive"

"Sir slow down...you went in your old home with a key you had to get your stuff back and your step son slashed you in a face with a knife"The 911 operator repeated back what she heard for confirmation

"Yes please just send help"

"Help is on the way-Did your step son know you were coming to get your stuff"The 911 operator told him then began questioning him since she recognized the name but of course she couldn't make that obvious

"No he didn't but I have a key and I didn't know he would be home"Tarvell answered the question still looking through the windshield at the front door of the house

"Is it a possibility your step son thought you were an intruder"The operator asked getting ready to go through a list of possibilities to update on the report

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐄.Where stories live. Discover now