𝟏:𝟏𝟎 𝐀𝐌
𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬,𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐤

After a long excreting search there was a call from a person who found Saymars phone under a bridge by a park. The phone was off but the man turned it on being curious he seen the lock screen picture being a selfie of Xena,Mar and Eseani

A team was sent out there Dave said he would call if they found anything. The last update they got was the water is being searched this of course made Xenas nerves bad

Xena and Eseani were the only two at the table who sat anxiously with one of their legs shaking starring at Xenas phone waiting to get another update

Everybody else stood around the table also waiting anxiously looking at the phone on the table

Carol stood behind Xena rubbing her back seeing as shes been stressed for the past week in this search for Saymar,barely sleeping...barely eating

The phone buzzed on the table everybody's heart sunk as Xena grabbed the phone,answering it and putting it on speaker.The first thing being heard was movement and sirens in the back

"Hello"Xena spoke to break the silence over the phone

"Xena..me and the team believe that its him"

Everybody in the room broke into tears some people even leaving to go have a moment,both of Eseani legs shake faster as tears flow down her cheeks

"How fast can you get to the bridge"Dave asked her

"I live to far-"

"Ok come to the hospital for confirmation"

"Shale B is where their taking him alright"

"Alright thank you Dave"Xena said as the phone hangs up,she drops it on the table before wiping both of her cheeks that are flooded with tears

"Thank you all for being here,drive home safe and I will update everybody on the news or somebody will"Xena spoke to everyone in the room currently

"Carol..."Xena called her name looking behind her

"Come on"Carol said motioning for Xe to follow her so Xe gets up pushing in her chair

Xena left the house with Carol after everybody else had departed and it would begin the nerve recking drive to the hospital to identify the body that was found

"Carol you think its him"Xena asked from the passenger seat of the car looking over at her

Carol was silent as she focused on the road trying to see through the tears in her eyes...Xena didnt have one but Carol had a feeling it is Mar

"I hope not"She finally spoke up her voice cracking a little as she knows she has to mentally prepare herself for what their gonna see

"Just prepare yourself for what we gonna see"

They finally arrived being met by Dave who was waiting for them in the emergency waiting room

"What do you know"Carol asked since Xena was a nervous wreck who couldn't speak without stuttering

"No foul play is suspected as of now we think he may have drowned"Dave gave a mini run down but he cant say to much because he doesn't know

He then led them down to the morgue where Xena would identify the body while Carol stands near her

The coroner pulled back the white sheet to reveal the body of..

"My baby"Xena cried out instantly bursting into tears,Carol opens her arms to grab Xe before she collapses

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐄.Where stories live. Discover now