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𝟏𝟐:𝟒𝟐 𝐏𝐌

Its been a few extra weeks they finally got Jamiri and a few assailants to speak not all but its enough evidence for a conviction

Xena rubs Saymars cheek with her hand as he sits on her bed just starring at the floor his eyes low and he looks drained

Dressed up in a dark blue grey striped suit since blue is his favorite color,he is all ready for court today.Adding to the list Saymar has had nightmares about the incident so he is not ready for today at all

"You will be ok up there...they cant hurt you anymore Saymar"

"Dont feel pressured,you tell them the truth and nothing but the truth ok"Xena continued to speak encouraging words to him,Saymar nods his head understandingly

"Good,come on let me help you downstairs"

His ankle is healed now but it still hurts to walk because of the force used to twist it,so he was advised a cane however he barely uses it

"Your gonna go just fine hun I know you will"


"The people request Detective Xena Lancaster up to the stand"

Xena gets up from her seat and scooted to the end,she then walks to the stand and sits down waiting for the questions to come in

"Raise your right hand"A person in the Jury box commanded, Xena complies raising her right hand up

After saying the oath to promise to tell the truth it was time for Kyla to start questioning since the public defender had no questions at all

"State your name for the court full name"

"Xena Lancaster"Xe told them her name as her lawyer gets up to question her,usually on the stand shes nervous but today is a different story

Kyla walks over to the stand and looks Xena in the eyes

"What went down the day the day that your son went missing,please start from the beginning to the end"Kyla asked her it goes silent as people wait for Xena to answer

"Well I was prepping dinner around 7 and he came downstairs to me and told me he was going out to a party"Xena told her being truthful

"Did you ask him with who"Kyla questioned,at first Xena shakes her head no before she opens her mouth

"No I didn't I assumed he was gonna be with his friends that I know"

"You assumed"Kyla questioned for confirmation that she heard those words come out of Xenas mouth

"Yeah thats the only people he really hangs out with"Xe explained and defended herself not getting aggressive tho since thats the worse thing to do

"Was there a mention of a new friend by any chance"Ky continued on with the questioning literally all eyes on them in the courtroom

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐄.Where stories live. Discover now