
𝟏𝟏:𝟑𝟐 𝐏𝐌

Its been 48 hours Xena has fought tooth and nail with the police to get a missing persons poster for Saymar, at first she was told 24 hours then told he'll come home eventually

Xena went so far as to going on the news looking for her son...they were finally allowed a missing persons poster after a co worker pulled some strings and it didn't take long for the hospital to contact her that they had Saymar

Xena made her way to the hospital with a quickness to be by Saymars side,she almost passed out when she seen her son in that bed with all the wires hooked up to him,his hospital gown half on since theres a patch on his chest and stomach

Head bandaged,one of his feet elevated in a sling,tube down his throat one even up his nose.Xena couldn't imagine how uncomfortable he'll be when he wakes up

"My poor baby my goodness"

"Has he been out for two days...has he woken up at all"Xena asked her friend who was in the room as well

"From what I was told no he wasn't...Xe im taking lead on his case"Carol answered her

"No I said I would"Xena looked back at her co worker and friend still with a distraught look all over her face

"Your not in the right state to do this Xena I will do everything I can to help you...starting with questioning"Carol said to her pointing over to the green couch in the hospital room,she wasnt gonna go out the room to have Xena be more comfortable

Xe walks over to the couch with Carol and sits down waiting for the questions

"Did you know Mar was going out and what time did he leave"Carol began the questioning reading what was listed to ask off of a notepad given to her by their job

"He left at um-7 pm and yes I knew but I had no clue who he was going out with"Xena answered best she can since her mind is all over the place currently,Carol nods writing down Xenas answer with a blue ink pen she has

"Did he say where he was going"Carol questioned her again still not making eye contact with Xe

"No he did not..he didnt say"

"Who would want to hurt Saymar,any names"Carol continued, now looking up at Xena to read her face and see if shes lying

"My son doesn't do anything to anybody I-I really don't know"Xena told her and it goes silent for a moment as Carol reads her face and she can tell Xe is telling the truth

"I will get the doctor for you"Carol said as she gets up and leaves the room,her black Steve madden pumps clicking against the wooden floor as she steps out

"Hi i'm Doctor Natalie...I have test results on your son if you dont want to discuss it its fine"Natalie said as she steps into the room walking over to where Xena is sitting down on the green couch


"Stab wound to the stomach area it cut deep into his stomach but it didnt mess with any of his internal organs,he was kicked on with a heavy shoe seeming to be a boot they found marks on the side of his stomach...his ribs"Natalie started to read off from the chart on the clipboard with all the notes

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐄.Where stories live. Discover now