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𝟓:𝟑𝟐 𝐏𝐌
𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬,𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐤

Its been a extra two weeks and the healing process was slow and long not only that but clear changes have been visible with Saymar, the way he talks is different he spaces out sentences sometimes and his voice is now monotone,his once happy self is no longer to be found at the moment plus he's became way smarter

His eyes are still hanging low and he looks tired all the time tho he might say that isnt the case

"That is alot of puzzle pieces Saymar"Xena said while leaning on the edge of his bed watching him empty puzzle pieces onto the board

"You want help"She asked going to help scatter the pieces but Saymar gently moves her hand away

"No...ok thats fine"Xe continued to speak to...well herself throwing her hands up in surrender continuing to watch her son with the puzzle pieces

"There is enough evidence to put them away for life we just waiting for you to say it was them"

"Saymar,do you remember Carol"

"Auntie Carol"Saymar questioned continuing to put the puzzle together noticing that his mother is getting up from where she was sitting

"Yes auntie Carol..shes gonna question you"Xe told him as Carol walks over to get a chair to sit in


"Hi Saymar,im going to ask for your permission to ask for your permission to record our convo"Carol asked him as she sits down in the chair she pulled up to the side of the bed

"Go-ahead"Saymar told her,Carol nods her head turning on the recording device placing it down on the bed

"Im recording now...so I need you to tell me everything about what happened that night"Carol
spoke to him opening her notebook and clicking the top of her pen to write down everything he's saying

"Do you know who hurt you"Carol asked the first question hoping that this will go smoothly

"I do"Saymar answered cracking a little smile since he finished the sky part of the 200 piece puzzle he's doing

"Do you know why they would want to hurt you"

"No ma'am"

"Do you know who Eseani is"Carol asked and Saymar stays silent raising his head up to look at her

"She set me up"He questioned already assuming the worse about how Carol will answer

"No she did not..do you know her"Carol repeated the question,Mar turns his attention back to the puzzle now

"Yes I-I know her"

"Were you and your attacker friends at any point"

"Acquaintances not friends-We barely talked"Mar told her,she nods her head writing what he said down

"Was there just one attacker or multiple"


𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐄.Where stories live. Discover now