𝟐 𝐏𝐌
𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐬,𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐘𝐨𝐫𝐤

Now two months later its August...for Saymar its his birthday month but it wont be to special since he winded himself up into a mental hospital for blacking out and attacking Eseani along with Xena

He also ran away and got lost,again after blacking out...he didnt attack Xena to severe Eseani was a different story. She now has a nasty scar on her cheek as a reminder of what he did

"Hey bro your birthday is in three days"Nymere spoke to Saymar while standing by his bed seeing his best friend handcuffed to the bed from his ankles

"What did I do"Saymar asked speaking above a whisper afraid of himself and what he's become

"You aint do nothing Saymar"

"I did because you wont even come near me...why are you here"

"Cause I'm your brother and I stick by you no matter what...this shit was out of your control Mar"Ny told him not wanting to hear anything,regardless of this situation he'a going to continue being by Mar side like he's always have

"Why didnt they just ki- Ay watch out with that"

"You know how i'd feel if they did huh-You know how many people would be affected Saymar"

"Im not Saymar...I dont know who I am"Saymar responded back quickly making Nymere a bit agitated

"Your the person I just named...thats the name your mother gave you so thats who you are"

"Your my brother,Saymar thats who"

"My mom aint gon forgive me is she...the girl I love aint gon forgive me either"

"They will trust me they will"


The time Eseani hates,when her mom comes into her room to put cream on the scar that shes left with. Because of this she hasnt seen Saymar in a while

"Mom that sh-stuff stings"Eseani flinched while sitting on her bed as her mom puts cold healing creme over her the scar on her cheek thats semi healed

"Well Eseani this what the doctor said to put on it and we following orders, the scar is halfway healed anyway"Kerry told her continuing to put more cream on her cheek,once shes done she closes the cap and tosses the tube on Eseanis dresser

"Karry we got a mail,two of the boys have paid off that $5000 fine"Chester yelled from the kitchen as he rips open two envelopes mailed from two of the parents

"Did they pay Xena too"Kerry asked yelling back as she leaves the bedroom going to Eseani bathroom across the hall to wash her hands

"Yep and now we're waiting on the third person"Chester answered her

"Hopefully it'll be soon"

Eseani huffs looking at the selfie of her and Saymar together up on her picture wall with all of her other loved ones

She cant help but to wonder how he's doing,she never blamed him for the incident the boy isnt in his right mind

𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐄 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐄.Where stories live. Discover now