Out in the Open

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Hey, guys.

I'd like to apologize. I haven't updated this story since August 2020, and I know that many of you guys have been patiently waiting for a new chapter. But the fact that I still got many reviews on FFN, AO3, and Wattpad asking me to continue this is mind-blowing. I'm going to be honest with you. The thing which stopped me from continuing for a while was that I had a severe case of writer's block. On top of that, I had to get through my freshman year of high school, and that was beyond stressful for me. Many times, I considered abandoning the story, but my promise to complete every story I set out to write prevailed every time. Although I had no idea how to continue, I was determined to come up with a new idea. I tried many different scenarios, but none of them seemed to work, and I was at a loss by the time June rolled around. However, after lots of thinking, I decided to ask my dear friend Hucklebarry for help. I'm so glad I did, for, with her assistance, I could finally come up with an idea that wouldn't be clichéd and would be interesting (at least for me) to read.

To those of you who have been waiting patiently, I am beyond grateful. To anyone else who's new, welcome to the ride!

I'm just so happy to be back to driving the bus of this incredible adventure. Thank you guys for hopping on whenever you did.

Thank you.

Now, with all that said, I hope you enjoy this new chapter of Albus Potter! (I really hope you do!)


APRIL 26, 2017

Scorpius looked up at his mother and laughed lightly.

"You also have a letter that's come for you," Astoria added.

"My Hogwarts letter!" cried the blond boy, and he jumped out of his bed, not even waiting for his mother.

He raced down the mahogany stairs of their large manor and jumped right into his father's waiting arms at the bottom.

"Happy, birthday, Scorp!" said Draco cheerfully as he spun his son around in the air. "How's my little first-year-to-be?"

"I'm great, Dad! Now, where's my letter?"

MARCH 13, 1996 (present)

Albus looked at Snape and Sirius at the door, and he felt hot tears burn for the second time that day. This time, though, he held them in.

The young Slytherin never knew that the organization that his family fought for could be so threatening and scary. He and James had learned soon after they had arrived back that the man with the horrid, grotesque scars was someone not to be reckoned with. His grip had been quite strong when he grabbed each of the boys' arms and practically dragged them up the stairs. Albus's fear had dissipated a bit when he saw Headmistress McGonagall, but it had shot right back up when she fixed her fiercest glare at him and his brother, showing no signs of recognition or sympathy.

Now, as he was gagged, Albus also recognized Uncle Bill and Aunt Fleur in the small mass looking more shocked than fearful. Uncle Bill looked completely different with the absence of his scars, though, and Albus only figured out who he was by noting the presence of his wife. He wasn't even sure whether they were married at this point, but did it matter? Albus also wondered where Grandmum or Granddad Weasley were; he knew that they were in the Order of the Phoenix, but they were nowhere to be seen. Before he could try spotting other familiar faces, though, Snape cleared his throat.

"Before I explain everything," he said calmly, washing the room and its occupants with an alluring, comforting ambiance, "I ask that you kindly take the gags off of the boys."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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