The Death Eater Attack

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Hey guys! Sorry, once again, for posting this chapter a day late. Prepare for some juicy drama!

APRIL 26, 2017

"Happy birthday, Scorpius," cooed Astoria Malfoy as she carded her fingers through her son's white-blond hair.

"Mum?" murmured Scorpius sleepily.

Astoria smiled, "Come. Your father has a special gift for you."

Scorpius sat up quickly and rubbed his eyes, "Really? What is it?"

"Silly child. You'll have to find out for yourself. That is the point of a surprise, isn't it?"

MARCH 13, 1996 (present)

"Bloody necklace!"

Severus lobbed the Time-Turner across the room. Two long, hard, and frustrating months had passed. It was truly infuriating. He was teaching N.E.W.T. Potions (with Dumbledore now teaching the younger students), trying to figure out how to send the boys back to their time period without aging them (which proved to be an extremely daunting task), and teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts.

All. At. Once.

Dumbledore had really meant it in January when he said he'd reward Severus, but the latter hadn't realized that he'd be awarded the Defense job temporarily. At first, it was pure bliss. Students genuinely enjoyed his classes, people actually learned something from him, and people actually started complimenting his teaching skills as he passed by in the halls. But then he realized that it was stressful work covering two subjects at once. Not to mention trying to solve the mishap with Potter's spawns as well, but since he and Black were the only humans in existence who knew of this little problem, he couldn't confide in anyone.

Fucking hell.

To make matters worse, Severus had no bloody idea what exact magic could be used to preserve the user's age and not destroy the magic which made the Time-Turner's use possible. He had to Polyjuice one weekend into an Unspeakable to research time travel magic, and the results were very complicated.

Severus already knew that there were Hour-Reversal Charms placed on the Time-Turners, so he figured that the Time-Turner that the spawns used was a different one. From his undercover weekend as an Unspeakable, he learned that there were other countries which also produced Time-Turners, one of the more notable manufacturers being the United States. He decided, after that weekend, that he needed to research this matter more extensively. Thus, under the excuse that he was visiting his cousin, Everett, Severus packed twenty vials of premade Polyjuice Potion and took a trip to New York City, where MACUSA (and America's supply of Time-Turners) was located.

Over there, he Polyjuiced into a MACUSA employee for the Department for Confiscated Items (oh, how he hated his American accent) and conducted research on their Time-Turners, which were apparently prohibited to the public but accessible to high-ranking employees who had heaping piles of work that needed to get done. He secretly stole one of the Time-Turners, duplicated it, and placed the duplicated one in the pocket of the employee he Polyjuiced into and took the original for himself. He performed this same ritual with the governments of Brazil, France, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Thailand, India, and Japan. With the nine stolen Time-Turners in his possession, he compared each of them to the one that the spawns came to this time period with. Out of the different Time-Turners, the one from Thailand was the one that matched.

After he learned this new fact, he returned to Thailand (his excuse this time being that he was visiting the globally-known Potions Mistress, Dao Kitsuwan, on a personal invitation) and researched their government's Time-Turners thoroughly. What he found from his research was that their Time-Turners were considered "true" Time-Turners. Apparently, "true" Time-Turners could bring people back to the present, unlike the British ones with the Hour-Reversal Charms. He learned that the Thai Minister of Magic, Aroon Saetang, had special workers who dedicated their lives to working with their government's Time-Turners. Together, they formed a sort of magical intelligence agency similar to its Muggle counterparts (the British Secret Service and the American CIA). After Polyjuicing into one of Saetang's workers, Severus found out that they frequently and subtly changed history to best suit their own government's needs. After having to discreetly prevent the MARC (the Magical Republic of China) President, Baozhai Chen, from creating some sort of magical government-bonding agreement in 1995 (which had apparently caused Thailand's economy to plummet), Severus finally realized why Thailand always come out on top in the magical community. He also, quite literally, felt a year older once he completed the mission.

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