Elf Heads, Cobwebs, and Screaming Ladies

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As Albus was sitting on a sofa in the drawing room, something finally hit him:

This house was the same exact house the brothers lived in during their own time period.

He wondered why he didn't realize this earlier, especially after opening the parchment Snape procured from Dumbledore. Maybe it was the urgency of the whole thing. Albus knew that Sirius Black owned the house at one point, but that was it. Oh, and Kreacher was the other familiarity. Other than that, though, the house was unrecognizable. The wallpaper, instead of the normal pale cyan, was a deep maroon with little dark brown patterns scattered around. The basement, the place where Albus and James landed, was dingier and more neglected than the basement of 2017. There were some cracked walls, and there was an unpleasant, dark sensation that ebbed throughout the room.

"So, when did you two arrive here?" Sirius asked, pulling Albus out of his thoughts.

"Tuesday, I think," James replied. "Yeah, it was definitely Tuesday."

"And where'd you find the Time-Turner?"

"James found it in a book in the Restricted Section of the library," said Albus.

Sirius's face suddenly lit up. "James? Did you say 'James'?"

"Oh! I'm sorry!" James apologized. "I didn't introduce myself! My name is James Sirius Potter." James held out his hand, and Sirius reached across the coffee table to shake it.

"I'm very, very honored that Harry decided to give my name to you. Who knew I'd be meeting mini-James from the future?" Now, Sirius looked positively elated.

"And you?" Sirius turned to Albus. "I heard James calling you 'Al.'"

Unlike James, who seemed to take an immediate liking to Sirius, Albus was a little wary because of what Sirius called his own namesake. Snivellus. What an awful name to call someone!

"I'm not sure you'll be too happy with me if I tell you," Albus replied softly, knowing this was somewhat true.

"Why? I'm sure it can't be as bad as Severus, can it?"

This innocent question was like a blatant confirmation for the young Slytherin. He felt his bottom lip quivering. A protective arm wrapped around his shoulders, and Albus looked up to see James giving him a look of reassurance. He sighed.

"Don't be so scared, Al!" Sirius assured quickly. "You can tell me what your name is. There's no need to be ashamed of it. It's just a name." The man seemed so carefree and happy. That alone encouraged Albus to follow through with Sirius's request.

Albus took some more calming breaths, trying to untie the knot which formed in his chest. Then, he looked directly at Sirius.

"My name is Albus Severus Potter." He mentally braced himself for the next blow, but none came.

"Wait, so your name is actually Severus?" Sirius asked, his mouth hanging open. Then he quickly shut it, apparently realizing his earlier error. "Oh, Merlin, I'm so sorry! I had only meant the earlier comment as a joke, and—"

"Severus is my middle name," Albus cut in coolly, "and I'm honored to carry it." He was surprised at how well he was handling the situation, given what the man sitting in front of him called Snape earlier.

"But why?" Sirius asked. "Why would Harry do that?"

"Do what?" James asked.

"Name one of his sons Severus," Sirius replied.

"Because, sir, he was the bravest man my dad ever knew," Albus answered simply.

Sirius just looked more and more confused and even raised an eyebrow. "Brave? You sure your dad wasn't Confunded or anything when he said that?"

Albus Potter and the Journey Through TimeWhere stories live. Discover now