Potions With Professor Snape

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Hello! Thank you so much for the support you've been giving me! I'm so sorry you guys had to wait two days for the latest chapter. I was having some writer's block, but hopefully, this chapter is enjoyable. This chapter more of a filler chapter, but the next one will definitely be focused on the progression of the plot. Enjoy!

"Ugh! This is hopeless! Snape's really done us in, hasn't he?" James complained exasperatedly.

There were books strewn all across the floor. The boys had looked through all the Charms books that were provided in the bookshelf, and they found nothing that was above third year level. The only thing that was advanced were some potion books similar to what Albus had found earlier.

James glanced back at the door. "I should probably try to put the anti-Alohomora charm back on so Snape doesn't get suspicious."

"But then Professor Snape won't be able to get in!" Albus replied.

James smacked his forehead. "Right. I forgot. I guess we'll have to hope Snape doesn't notice, then."

"Yeah. As if he won't," Albus replied. He looked at the books on the floor. "I'll clean up this mess while you do your assignment. I'm sure you haven't done it yet, and I don't want to be a witness to your murder."

James nodded. "Yeah. I'll get to it now." The Gryffindor sauntered over to his desk, and soon Albus could hear the scratching of a quill as he picked up the books.

By the time fifteen minutes had gone by, Albus was curled up on one of the accent chairs reading Potion Opuscule. The young wizards jumped up when they heard a firm knock on their door.

James set his quill down and went to answer the door while Albus hurried to his desk to grab his folded assignment. The green-eyed Potter then went and stood next to the hazel-eyed one as James opened the door.

The brothers backed away quickly as Snape strode inside the room with his robes billowing magnificently behind him. He stopped about a foot away from Albus and James.

"Hand me your parchment," Snape commanded.

Albus handed his in while James went to his desk to retrieve his. He walked back and stood next to Albus and held out his own parchment.

"Let me read one parchment at a time!" Snape ordered harshly. "And don't shove it in my face as if I'm some dog waiting to be fed!" the professor spat.

James bowed his head. "Sorry, sir."

Snape's eyes skimmed over Albus's parchment and quickly stuffed it into his robes. Then, he took James's parchment. Within a second, Snape's gaze was focused on the elder Potter.

"From what I can tell," Snape said as he stuffed James's parchment into his robes, "neither of you are incompetent, contrary to what I believed earlier. I'll also organize your curricula tonight, and you'll each have your personal list by tomorrow morning. You'll be able to use the books I've given you for your assignments, for you will not be allowed to go to the main library."

"Professor, why can't we go anywhere?" Albus asked.

"Must I replace your ears and fit you with new ones?" Snape asked, sneering again.

"No. I just forgot, sir."

Snape scoffed. "You're just like Longbottom, then, but just more intelligent. Pity. And here I was, thinking that memory and intelligence correlated with one another. It seems I stand corrected." Snape pivoted around once more and strode to the door. He turned around and faced the boys once more. "Oh, and don't think I don't know you broke the anti-Alohomora Charm. Next time I see it's unlocked, you'll be suffering worse than my detentions." With that, Snape walked out of the room and shut the door loudly behind him. Once again, the boys heard the door click. Albus and James groaned loudly.

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