"Who's Sirius Black?"

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I am honestly so, so sorry that I kept you waiting for a new chapter for over a week. That was completely unfair, and I deeply apologize. The reason this chapter is late is because I had a tough time figuring out what I was to do with Severus's current situation. This is what I came up with. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Severus found himself regaining his awareness. He struggled to open his eyes, so he lifted his hands to wipe the gumminess from his eyelids. With the gunk gone, he opened his eyes and looked around.

Poppy was there, and so was Potter. Wait, what?

Severus shot up and instantly fell back down, and he let out a loud hiss of pain as soon as he landed. Poppy immediately walked over to him.

"Severus, are you all right?"

Severus tried speaking, but he had to clear his throat many times before he could answer. He spoke very slowly. "What do you think, Poppy? No. I am most certainly not all right. What's Potter doing here?"

"Mr. Potter got me from the Hospital Wing after he brought you here. He said Umbridge was using the Cruciatus on you and whipping you?" It took a moment for Severus to register this in his mind.

Once it was registered, it set his mind into absolute panic.

What could he say? What excuse could he give? He couldn't give away the boys' existence! Not after he took so much care to secure them! What kind of Slytherin was he if he compromised the spawns' future on the second day? This was ridiculous! Think, Severus, think! Severus thought to himself.

He could probably Obliviate them and make both Poppy and Potter remember something else. But what would he make them remember? That's when he came up with a brilliant act.

Severus feigned confusion. He made sure his voice sounded croaky.

"Po—Poppy? Where am I?" he asked. He tried to appear as dazed as possible.

"Your quarters, Severus. Do you remember what happened?"

Now, he had to feign disorientation. "Poppy? What are you—what do you mean?"

At this, Poppy and Potter exchanged concerned glances. "What do you last remember?"

"I—I was arranging my potions stores, I think. I was—well, waiting for Mr. Potter to show up." Severus realized he sounded uncharacteristically gentle. Good. They needed to think he was disorientated beyond help so that they didn't question him further. But he couldn't make them think he was incapable.

"Okay. Anything afterwards?"

"N-no, I don't think so. Where is my wand?" Severus ended slightly more forcefully.

Poppy had a puzzled look on her face. "Why? What do you need it for?"

"And could you give me a glass?"

A beat went by, and then, "Right, Severus. I'll get you a glass." She walked out of the room. Then, Severus looked at Potter. "Potter. Get me my wand."


"Do not argue with me, or you'll receive two detentions instead of one. Now, get me my wand."

Potter, visibly nervous, went to the far end of the room where a chair was situated. He picked up his wand and handed it to him. Severus nodded to show that he was thankful. Poppy came back with a glass, and Severus held out his hand. As he clasped it in his left hand, he pointed his wand inside and muttered, "Aguamenti," and water filled the glass.

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