The Hourglass Necklace

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Albus Severus Potter was sitting calmly in the Slytherin common room reading his beloved, well-worn copy of Potion Opuscule. For the past term, he'd been getting to know the grand portrait of Severus Snape which hung just above the entrance to the dormitories. The conversations the two had were enriching and wholesome for the both of them. His best friend, Scorpius, was at home for the Christmas holidays with his family, so he was alone.

Albus and his brother, James, would have also been home if it weren't for their father having to go away for some Auror business. Their mother said that she would prefer if they stayed back since the business that their father was dealing with was dangerous, and she didn't want to get them involved. She had already sent their sister, Lily, to the Burrow to stay with Grandmum and Granddad Weasley two days prior.

"So, Mr. Potter. When did you acquire Potion Opuscule?" the portrait asked.

"My eleventh birthday, sir. It was a special gift for me since eleven is the age that you start at Hogwarts. My dad also gave me a room where I can set up my own lab."

"Lucky child, you are. Having loving parents who care for you above everything else."

"My brother and sister, too," Albus added.

"Yes, right. What is it like, having parents who dote on you? How does it feel?" Albus could tell that Snape's curiosity got the better of him.

"What do you mean, Professor? Didn't your parents love you? I'm sure they did."

"My mother did," Snape corrected. "But even then, we weren't well-off. My parents didn't have the means to shower me with such luxuries."

"Oh. Sorry."

"There's no fault in your asking. You were just curious. I'm sure I would have done the same thing in your position."

"Well, Professor, it's very nice, to say the least. Getting 'doted on' in your words. I guess my mum and dad want us to be happy. But it really isn't much compared to how much love, kisses, and hugs I get from them. That matters most to me. If they stopped loving me, I wouldn't know what to do."

"Wisely said. Well, I must get going. Albus the Elder told me that he wanted me to visit Minerva's office, so I'll have to endure the idiocy and inaneness of the other headmasters' chatter. Good evening, Mr. Potter."

"Bye, Professor, and good luck!"

Snape smirked, and then he walked out of the frame.

Just as Albus was about to head back to the dormitory to catch an early night, he heard someone come through the stone patch. It was the female sixth year prefect, Hadley Jones.

"Albus, your brother's outside, waiting for you. Don't know what he wants, but I think you should go talk to him."

"Okay, Hadley," Albus replied. "Thanks." He set his Potions book down and walked to the entrance. After he stepped out of the stone, he greeted his brother.

"Hey, James. What's up?"

"You don't know how long I've had to sit here," James complained, standing up and stretching his arms.

"Sorry. Didn't know you'd come. Glad Hadley told me before you fell asleep."

James laughed. "Yeah, me too. Listen, come with me to the library. There's something really wicked I found in there!"

Albus smiled. "Really? Cool!" He felt a weight lifted from his chest which was replaced with anticipating excitement. For the past few months, the two brothers weren't able to talk to each other much since the start of the school year with Albus being Sorted into a different house. The young Slytherin was sincerely glad that his brother didn't immediately ditch him as soon as he was Sorted, for his older brother frequently teased Albus about his Sorting prior to boarding the train.

Albus Potter and the Journey Through TimeWhere stories live. Discover now