Potter's First Occlumency Lesson

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A whole scene is taken from Chapter 24 (Occlumency) of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It's just told from Severus's perspective.

Happy reading, folks!

Severus grumbled under his breath as he started to grade his papers. It was quite an eventful day, to say the least. Five years ago, he was ceremoniously blessed with the privilege of teaching one Potter. Today, he'd been blessed yet again with the privilege of keeping two more Potters under his care. The universe really loved him, didn't it?

The Potions Master reluctantly admitted to himself that it was certainly not their fault that the spawns didn't know what a Time-Turner was. Children weren't supposed to know. Time-Turners were rare, and they were dangerous. The Potter spawns were extremely lucky they landed here and not anywhere else.

Speaking of Potter spawns, it seemed that the Boy-Who-Lived was more terrible than Severus thought. Albus Severus? Who named their child that? It was an odd name to give a child, especially if you're the child of the legendary, invincible Harry Potter. Frankly, Severus was surprised that Potter never named any of his spawns after himself. His father certainly did (with James being Potter's middle name). He recalled what the younger Potter spawn said to him:

"My father told me you were the bravest man he ever knew." Why would Harry bloody Potter, spawn of the great James Potter, call Severus brave? Potter didn't know anything. He knew nothing! Unless...

Severus put his quill down, stood up, and started pacing. He couldn't tell the boy of all his intentions! Then Potter would view him as weak! Emotional! But no matter. No. Matter. He had to stop thinking about the spawns anyway, for their father (Severus vomited inside) would be coming for his first Occlumency lesson. The spy ran a hand through his hair. The Potter spawns looked almost identical. Same raven-black hair, same facial structure. Granted, their heights were different, but there was another difference that was more important and more significant than how tall they were.

The younger spawn had the same kind, beautiful eyes that Lily had. He seemed kinder, too. The whole day, he addressed him as "sir" or "Professor." Never argued with him. Asked sensible questions. He even praised his Potions collection. He felt a tiny bit of remorse for shutting him down so rudely.

The mini James Potter had a bit of recklessness and mild arrogance about him, but he was tolerable as well. Thankfully, neither spawn was as big-headed as Potter currently was, and they certainly didn't follow in the footsteps of Potter Senior.

The spy felt a small thorn of guilt prick at his side for calling the two of them incomptent (for they clearly weren't), but he couldn't help it. Both looked too much like their father and (dare he think it?) their grandfather (Severus vomited inwardly again). Just looking at any of their faces made vile things form on the tip of his tongue.

Severus had made sure to not stock the bookshelf with anything above third-year level save for some advanced Potions books he thought the younger one might like. The Potions Master couldn't risk either of the spawns learning any advanced spells that could break through his anti-Alohomora Charm. It wasn't a difficult one to break, but a third-year would find it difficult to break through it. He grumbled under his breath again as he heard a knock on his door. Time to face the original Potter. He stood up as the Gryffindor Golden Boy walked in.

"Shut the door behind you, Potter," Severus said in the coldest voice he could muster. For once, the boy obliged. He looked at the boy who had the gall to name one of his spawns after him, and he channeled all of his hatred into his next words.

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