Chapter 25: Dormiveglia

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Dormiveglia : (n.) the space that stretches between sleeping and waking.


I approach the old barn carefully. First scanning the forest around it for a glowing light with a pinkish hue. Then taking a second to examine the large doors.

The barn use to be a horse stable, but once my great grandfather purchased the land it held little purpose. The green paint is chipped around the large doors and the white edges have taken on a yellow tone. I have many memories of sneaking in here as a kid when I was feeling out of place or needed a good spot to hide while playing with my brothers. Now it will serve as a training area rather than a safe haven.

My father chose the barn because it was far enough away from the main grounds that if something went wrong, no one would get hurt. But it's also close enough that if Angelo and I needed something our pack could be there within seconds.

I take a deep breath in and blow the air back out through my mouth. I attempt to calm my shaking hands and fluttering heart, but to no avail. Everything I've been trying to avoid I will now have to face head on.

I reach forward to press the door open in front of me, but suddenly another hand reaches out to push it open. I startle and bump into another person behind me.

Lavender and cinnamon fill the air quickly as Acer places his hands on my shoulders to settle me.

"Sorry, Jace. Didn't mean to scare you." Booker says with a wink.

I roll my eyes, knowing that's exactly what he meant to do.

"No messing around here, okay? I need to focus. This is important." I say looking between them.

"Of course, Jason. You don't need to worry about us." Ace says giving me a reassuring smile and sending a glare Booker's way.

"Trust me, Jason." Booker nods, and pushes the large door inward sending out a loud screech.

"Welcome, amici." Angelo greets, standing up from a dark oak chair.

"Hello Angelo." I nod to him and look around the large room.

The inside walls that use to contain horses still stand on the right wall. However the left side is empty and the only evidence they were ever there are dark lines on the ground. Just like when I was younger.

My father had planned to turn it into some sort of gym and training area, however, he never quite got around to it. So it remains half cleared, empty and water damaged.

"If these two can't behave, we'll lock them in there." Angelo chuckles and nods towards the remaining horse pens.

Booker and Ace laugh as Booker pushes Ace towards one of the doors. I look back to Angelo and run a hand through my hair. My stomach twists into a tight knot as I think of the things I'll have to do.

"Let's begin, young Salama." Angelo grins, gesturing to the chair across from him, "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you today."

We both sit in the two oak chairs, facing each other. The other two sit on a bench to my right and fidget excitedly like children. They see this as a superhero finally showing off his powers, whereas I see myself as a ticking time bomb. No one knows when I'll just go off and accidentally kill everyone.

"Where do we start?" I ask, my focus coming back to Angelo.

"I'd like to start with force fields." He says, raising his hand, his palm facing up and his fingers slightly curled in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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