Chapter 6: Kuebiko

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Kuebiko: A state of exhaustion inspired by acts of senseless violence


'Come down stairs.' my father's voice rings through my head as I scroll through Instagram.

I don't answer him. I simply get up and get dressed, dreading the conversation ahead of me. When I walk to the top of the stairs I can see the Alphas' and Betas' children eating breakfast at the large dining table. I avoid eye contact with Booker and look towards my brothers. Rhys points towards my father's office and I sigh going to the door.

I know what this will be about.

I have to go with the Metanoia pack. I will have to be Booker's mate and live with his family. I will be forced to shift, because no one wants a mate who won't shift, and mind link. I will be forced into the reality of being a werewolf.

I knock carefully on the door and my father calls for me to come in.

I find him sitting at his desk. The other Alpha sits in a chair across from him with his Beta at his side. My mother sits on the edge of the desk and gestures for me to come in. Darius stands from the chair he's sitting in and pats it to signify to me to sit down.

So I do.

"We have somethings to talk about, Jason." my father says carefully.

"I know." I respond blandly.

"Alpha Darius and Beta Castille have to return to the Metanoia pack today." my father begins.

"My son has been in charge there for too long." Castille chuckles. "One day is enough, I can only hope they survive until the end of this one.

My father nods and looks back to me.

"So-" he starts, but I cut him off.

"So I will have to leave with them." I respond emotionless.

"But they are not far away, love. Less than 30 minutes and we will visit you as often as we can." My mother attempts with watering eyes.

She puts a comforting hand on my face, but I lean back. I can see the hurt in her eyes, however, the sense of betrayal  I feel can't go unnoticed. Why won't she fight for me? Why is this the norm?

"You can begin packing, you will leave with us tonight after dinner." Darius tells me.

My father begins gathering papers and everyone begins to leave the office. My mother leaves first, probably hoping to clean up the breakfast mess. Dean follows closely behind them, but hesitates when he notices I'm not moving. 

"And if I don't?" I ask.

My dad drops the papers onto the desk and the men freeze. Darius who had been about to exit, shuts the door again and walks back over to stand behind the desk with my father.

"What do you mean if you don't?" my father asks, attempting to hold back his anger.

"If I don't leave." I glare back. "If I stay here. You know, with my family."

"Then I guess it will turn into a kidnapping." Castille laughs.

Fiery hot anger courses through my veins as I stand up angrily and slam a fist on to my father's desk. His pens shake in the cup that holds them and he looks at me fuming.

"No one gets to decide my future for me. I don't have to go wherever my fucking "mate" goes." I growl.

My father doesn't even attempt to fight back. He dismisses me by standing from his desk and walking to his office door.

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