Chapter 10: Selcouth

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Selcouth : unfamiliar, rare, strange and yet marvelous.


"Let's just play never have I ever before you both go." Heidi pleads with me.

After dinner all of the counsel, an assortment of our wisest adults, had a mandatory pack meeting in the pack house. The youngest children were being cared for by a few omegas in another cabin. So all of us were left alone. Booker and I planned to sneak into the woods with some sort of liquor and play his question game.

However, when Booker went to Blaze to get the alcohol he returned with everyone. My brothers, Heidi, Lillian, Grace, Booker's friend who I learned was named Gabe, Ian, Aria, Pierce, his mate Talia and even Blaze. I was beyond angry.

They sit around the fire with me and I glare at Booker as he sits down next to me.

"No." I tell Heidi firmly.

Booker pouts at me.

"One round?" he suggests.

"No." I answer unmoving.

"We'll play one round and afterwards you two can go escape and make love in the night." Blaze says beginning to hand everyone a shot glass from his backpack.

My face reddens with a mix of anger and embarrassment.

"I'll watch then." I state.

"You'll play." Blaze says placing a glass in my hand before moving on around the circle.

"Just one." Booker says again.

I pause for a second and stare at his desperate green eyes. Guilt washing over me as I remember telling him I hated him and avoiding him all those days not long ago. I sigh heavily.

"One round." I finally agree and everyone cheers.

"So everyone should know how to play. Ten fingers up and if you've done it you take a finger down, but you also have to take a shot. Whoever has all ten fingers down first loses." Blaze says and sits next to Aria.

"Maybe you shouldn't drink, Jason." Rhys says cautiously and I roll my eyes.

"I'll be fine." I assure him, but then Booker looks at me too.

"Jay, he's right. I kind of forgot this may not be good for your heart." 

I roll my eyes. Hadn't the alcohol been his idea?

"Aw let the kid play!" Hunter laughs. "If anything happens he can probably bring himself back to life anyway."

"Hunter-" Rhys says standing angrily.

"Let's start." Blaze interrupts and holds ten fingers up. "If you don't wanna drink then don't, Lasch."

"I'll do what I want." I growl and hold ten fingers up.

"Who wants to start?" Ian asks and looks around our circle.

"I will!" Heidi sing-songs excitedly. "Never have I ever... done drugs."

"Wait wait, when you say "drugs" are you counting weed?" Gabe asks curiously.

"Yes." she nods laughing.

He puts a finger down along with a few others, including Booker. They all begin filling up glasses and downing their first shot of vodka.

I keep my fingers up. Drugs had never really interested me and I don't often go to the parties the kids at my high school have, so I'm rarely exposed to it. I feel my stomach twist at the thought of going back to school. Our town was off this week in celebration of something for our mayor, but I'd have to go back on Monday. It will be my last week. Exam week.

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