Chapter 12: Metanoia

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Metanoia: (n.) the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self or way of life.


By the time I make it into my room, I collapse onto my bed. Pain pulses through my body in electrical currents. My body is freezing with icy chills and burning like hot embers all at once.

I pull my heavy, navy blue covers over my shaking body. The faintest aroma of cinnamon rolls still stained in it's fabrics. My heart sinks, wishing Booker was still here. Maybe even to hold me.

My breaths come out ragged and strained. I'm tired, but my body's in too much pain to sleep. I begin to feel panicked. What if this really kills me?

'I'm sorry. I know you hate this, but my phone is dead and I can't shake this feeling that you're not okay.'

Booker's voice appears in my mind, clear as day. I jump slightly at the sound. I push a shaky hand through my hair and consider my options. I could answer through mind-link for the first time in my entire life and let him know that I am fine. Or I could stick to my old ways and leave him anxiously waiting.

I sigh softly and curl into myself as a sharp pain comes through my side again.

'Jason?'  Booker asks gently, but I hear his panic.

''I'm here. I'm okay.' I answer involuntarily, barely even needing to think about how.

'Take care of yourself Jay baby.' he signs off and his presence disappears from my mind.

Sleep wraps it's dark arms around me and I fade into unconsciousness.

"Marvin, honey he hasn't opened his eyes." I hear an unfamiliar female voice say.

Pain flows through my body and I don't seem to have the energy to pull open my eyelids. There's a sharp pain in my left side, towards my back. My heartbeat throbs in my ears and I feel as if I have no concept of where I am.

"The doctors can only do so much." a deep voice responds. "Maybe we should go to the Elysian pack and see Jamison's boy."

"He's a Salama. Not a healer. They can only help the dead." the one I presume to be a woman snaps.

"Marissa, our pack has no healers and the vampires refuse to help. Elysian is the closest pack to us. Let's just try." the male insists with a baritone voice.

Suddenly the pain in my side gets sharper and a cry escapes my lips. However, the sound of my own voice doesn't come out. Instead the shrill cries of a baby meet my ears.

I feel my small body being lifted into someone's arms. They rock me gently, but it proves to only make me nauseous and I cry harder.

"Jason." someone shakes me gently.

A cool hand is pressed against my forehead and I find myself pushing further into my mother's touch. My body burns like a fire and shakes furiously. I moan softly as pain sifts through me.

"You need to take these." she says and brushes my hair softly.

I slowly open my eyes and see two small capsules in her hand and a cup of water balanced between her legs. I reach out a shaking hand. She presses a hand against my forehead again as she gives me the pills. She hands me the cup of water and I swallow them.

I flop back onto my bed weakly and glance over to the clock. It's already 10 pm. I've basically slept through an entire day.

"Lali came and checked on you. She said your original blood tests showed no signs of infection and she took some more just to be safe." my mother informs me.

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