Chapter 8: Philophobia

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Philophobia : fear of emotional attachment; fear of being in or falling in love.


Third Person POV

"Where is she?" Jason asks as soon as his eyes open.

Booker's head snaps to the body which once was so lifeless, so empty. The odd sense of emptiness that had taken over him now oozing away. Aria let's go of her brother, eyes wide in shock, and Booker stands up to go to his mate.

The men let go of Jason and step back in shock. His mother grabs onto one of his arms and his father places a hand on her shoulder. Their son is somehow alive.

Thea sets her daughter on the ground finally and pushes her to go forward.

"He's looking for you." the mother says, nodding to Jason who doesn't move from the ground.

Sage rushes to him and as soon as he sees her, Jason sits up and holds onto the girl desperately. Cheers erupt everywhere as the entire pack sees the blonde boy alive. Relief washes through Jason as he squeezes the girl against his chest.

"You're hugging me too tight Jay Jay!" she squeals.

Jason loosens his grasp to look at the young girl. Sage's face is now full of color and her eyes are still their same lively, blue-green. The awkward tilt of her head now vanished. The same bright red flame of a girl restored.

"Mommy says you saved me." she whispers, placing a small hand on his face.

"I promised you I'd always be there to protect you." he smiles weakly and gives her one more tight hug before letting the girl go.

She stands up and looks at her mom who picks her up. Her mother looks down at the boy who saved her daughter's life, knowing that she will never be able to repay him.

Jason looks up at his parents and lays back again carefully. The energy he seemed to have before, now vanished and replaced with heavy exhaustion. His mother sits beside him and pulls his head and shoulders onto her lap. She runs her hands through his hair as Lali comes running up to them.

Jason's eyes flutter shut and Lali begins to command people to help bring him to the infirmary. 

"What's going on?" Booker questions in panic, joining Lali as she approaches the blonde boy.

"His fight isn't over yet." she responds.

Jason's POV

I open my eyes and awaken to the sound of quiet breathing. I look to my left and see Booker's head resting on the hospital bed next to me. His face buried in the white sheets.

I look about the infirmary room. It presents as an actual hospital room. My father had connections and money he inherited from his parents, so he had enough equipment to make a small "hospital" that we named the infirmary. There is no x-ray or MRI or any large equipment like that, but they get shipments from local pharmacies and have things like heart monitors and iv poles.

Which was good for moments like these when we couldn't tell hospital staff what happened.

"You're awake."

I look at Booker and as soon as our eyes meet a surge of emotions topple over me. Guilt, sadness, fear and... joy. I didn't know what I had until I almost lost it all and right now looking at Booker I knew exactly what I wanted. Him.

It was time to give him a chance.

"I'm sorry." I choke out, trying hard not to cry.

I knew he was a victim in all of this. I was the one who had treated him so badly. That made him feel so unwanted. That told him I hated him.

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