Chapter 13: Frisson

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Frisson: (n.) a shiver of pleasure


"If we shift, it'll go quicker." Booker taunts as we climb up the large hill into the woods to the pack grounds.

"Go ahead. No one's stopping you." I say pushing him lightly towards the top.

"I meant you too."

He grabs me at that and throws me over his shoulder. I kick in protest until finally he gives into fatigue and puts me down. I push him again.

"Go for it, shadow boy!" I laugh and he raises his eyebrows.

"Shadow boy?"

"Your coat is all black." I chuckle.

"Alright, snow white." he grins and begins to sprint up the hill.

I chase after him grinning widely. I jump onto his back and he trips backwards slightly, but then regains his balance. I nip his earlobe lightly, before hopping off.

"You're a wild thing today." he remarks as the tops of houses come into vision.

"Do your parents know I'm here?" I ask timidly.

"Yea." He shrugs and I nod.

When we reach the top of the hill, I scan my surroundings. To my right is a large cabin style house. Presumably their pack-house.

The wood is a light caramel color and there's a balcony surrounding the entire thing with a stone railing. There looks to be two chimneys and the entire thing has windows covering it. A long stone path lined with small lights leads to the front double doors.

Booker's pack has money.

To my left I can see more cabins spread out and tucked into the woods, similar to my own pack's grounds. There is a stone fire pit in the huge space between the pack house and the other cabins. It is only 5 o'clock and already the fire is lit. I can see Aria sitting there with a small stack of books. Next to her Blaze sits, flowers in hand.

She laughs as he tucks a piece of dark brown hair behind her ear. She is different with him. Softer.

"Come on, I'll give you a house tour." Booker grins, pulling me toward the colossal cabin.

As we begin stepping up to the door, a wave of embarrassment takes over me. The last time I saw his mom I had been... well I had been an ass. I made it known that I didn't want her son and with everyone else reminding me, I doubt she could forget.

Darius isn't the type to hold a grudge. He seemed to understand when I last saw him. However, I don't know Mariah well and I haven't seen her since dying.

Booker pulls open the door and we step into the vast space. Directly in front of me is a wooden staircase, leading to the next floor. To my left is a huge living room complete with a flat screen tv and large leather couches. I note the buttons on the arms and promise myself to try out the reclining feature later.

To my right is a small sitting area with book shelves, comfy looking black chairs and a chess table. They sit next to mammoth windows and although it's getting darker outside, the entire space is bathed in light. In fact, every single corner and crevice of the house is illuminated by giant overhead lights.

Farther back I can see a kitchen leading into a dining room. His mom walks out from there, wiping her hands on a towel. My stomach twists slightly at the sight of her and I give her a small smile.

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