Chapter 24: Orphic

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Orphic : (adj.) mysterious and entrancing;  beyond ordinary understanding.


As we step into the pack-house I can hear voices coming from my father's office. As we come closer to the door a subtle electric feeling begins to vibrate from the tips of my fingers and the pads of my feet. The closer we get to stepping inside, the more intense the feeling becomes as it spreads up my legs and down my arms.

I look over to my brother with wide eyes, hoping he is getting the same feeling. However, before I can ask him the door to the office flies open. My eyes are met with an elder man with a pointed nose and bright brown eyes. He's dressed in a cream suit that makes me feel under dressed and intimidated.

"Here he is. You don't even have to tell me this is the boy." the man chuckles, a thick Italian accent seeping into his words. "I could feel him."

"Hello sir, my name is Jason." I say, holding my hand out to shake his.

"I know your name." he laughs and gives me a strong handshake. "I'm Angelo Moretti, piacere!"

As soon as our skin touches a sensation like an electric current over takes my entire being. Not the tingling of a mate, but a force like two magnets being repelled apart. Angelo let's go of my hand as if he feels it too. I look at him with wide eyes as his wrinkled hand brings a cigar to his lips.

"I think the Moon Goddess is a bit shocked to have two powerful Salamas so close." Angelo tells me, eyeing me up and down as if to assess my strength.

"Has this happened to you before?" I question.

"No." he responds seriously and turns to walk back into my father's office.

My brother looks at me with wide eyes and my father gives me a stern look I can't quite read. I walk into my father's office without a word to either of them. My father follows me inside and sits at his desk. Angelo sits at one of the chairs across from him and I sit in the remaining chair to his left.

"You're strong. I wasn't expecting that." he admits. "Non te la prendere, you're just young."

I search my brain for any knowledge of Italian, but come up empty handed. My four years of Spanish isn't helping much. So I respond off of what I understand.

"That's why I'm worried." I tell him, hoping he'll understand where I'm coming from. 

"What makes you worried?" he asks, but I can tell he understands.

"I can't control them. The powers." I sigh and run a hand through my hair. "Sometimes I do things I don't even realize I'm capable of doing. I don't want to hurt someone again."

"Again?" he questions, raising an eyebrow.

"Yea." I glance over at my father who's lips are pressed together in a thin line. "I just looked at this guy and he was in pain."

To my surprise, Angelo laughs as he places the cigar in a holder on my father's desk. 

"Did he make you angry?" he asks casually and I nod my head. "I've done that before. I can help you with that."

Hope rises in me at his words. All I want is control. Then I won't have to be scared anymore.

"I'd like to assess all of your abilities tomorrow. That's where we'll start. It's approaching evening and I'd rather not do a lot on my first day in the states." he nods at me sternly.

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