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Jean lifts her head from her pile of work. It's like this every night. Lisa walks in with a black coffee.

"Your diet has been consisting of purely coffee these last couple days," Lisa sarcastically said to Jean.

"Work is work, it must be done right?" Jean sighed, tightening her ponytail and taking a sip of the bitter coffee. Jean didn't want her coffee to have any sweeteners, or topping, it wasted time and was too much of a hassle. The straightforwardness of a black coffee matched Jean.

"You know," Lisa started, "You can always take a break, there are other knights around. Besides, you've started that romance novel and haven't gotten around to finishing it. Which, by the way, what makes you interested in a teen's romance book? Feeling lonely?" Lisa teased Jean. Lisa always had a very carefree, and relaxed approach when it came to work. She always talked her way into getting other people to do her work. She was quite a smooth talker. In a way, Lisa acted like she had all the time in the world to laze around. Despite this, Lisa was always efficient in getting what she felt like getting done quickly.

"It's not like that.. You know, just takes me back to when I was 15. I used to read them in my spare time," Jean defended herself with.

"Spare time? I didn't know you had such a thing!" Lisa giggled back. "Well in any case, whenever you have some free time let me join you, I'd love to read with you and give us some time. We haven't spent any time together in ages.

Jean took a deep breath and sighed loudly.

"Yes, I know I'm sorry. With all the tense relationships with the Fatui in Mondstadt, I've had even more work. I'll try to find time to spend it with you, I promise. Who would've thought trying to keep Mondstadt a peaceful city could be so exhausting." Jean regretfully said.

Lisa chuckled. "Don't worry too much, darling. I'll be waiting for you always. Don't work yourself too hard, I can't have you fainting again. Not to mention, Barbara will feel really anxious and blame me again for being a "distraction". I mean, I know I'm attractive, but even I can't get you away from your work! Now then, don't you think it's getting late? I suppose it's time for you to sleep."

"I know, I know. Barbara always gets stressed whenever I overwork myself. However, that won't happen this time, I promise. I have a couple more papers to get through and then I'll call it a night. Lisa, shouldn't you be attending the library?" Jean stretched her arms before picking up her plume again and sorting the papers.

"I suppose you're right about that. I'll take my leave then! Goodnight Jean."

"Goodnight Lisa."

for mondstadt, as always (genshin//jeanlisa)Where stories live. Discover now