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The battle had gone on for what seemed like forever. Time was ticking, everyone was tired. Everyone was endangered. Lisa was ready. She headed to the cathedral, near the statue of the beloved Barbatos. Even the most faithful believers at this time were doubting their all mighty God. Lisa looked below, upon the city. There she saw Jean, running up towards her.

"LISA! What.. What are you doing!?" Jean said. Her words were broken from pants. She was sweating. Her tight and neat ponytail was falling out. The strong leader of Mondstadt was close to giving up hope as well. Lisa didn't know how to respond.

Oh, my beloved Jean. My love. I love you so much. It's a shame I had to do this. Please tell me I don't have to do this..

"The Archons are cruel aren't they? It seems my time is up. I have to pay the price. The price of a vision. The price of a nice life. The price of living next to you, Jean." Lisa said. Her eyes watered with tears, yet she forced a smile.

"Lisa..?" Jean asked. No, begged. Although all she said was her name, the two knew what Jean was begging for. For Lisa to live. For Lisa to stay with her. Begging for a normal life. However, in Teyvat, nothing is fair. Life comes with a price. It's never cheap.

"Please, Lisa, you don't have to do this. We can think of another solution and-"

"No. I don't think you understand just how much I care about you, Jean. Let me show you just this once," Lisa says, as calmly as one can while being at Mondstadt, while the war of the Fatui was in the background. Jean's eyes are filled with tears.

"There has to be another way!" She screams. Her lungs are on fire.

Lisa reveals to everyone her true power. Fueled by emotion, the electricity in the air becomes stronger than anything anyone could've imagined. The skies turn a radiant purple. The scent in the air described the emotions of everyone. Sadness, pain, agony, pitiful. As her attack lands, almost immediately, it takes out the majority of the Fatui in the city. Would it be enough? Would it be enough to end everything, and enough for Mondstadt to return to a normal city?

for mondstadt, as always (genshin//jeanlisa)Where stories live. Discover now