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Jean had been crying, sobbing, yelling with all her might ever since Lisa started heading up to the cathedral. She knew Lisa's power, how Lisa used it. Using a high ground allows for the electricity to ride within air. And she also knew the consequences.

Why is Lisa doing this!? I still haven't been able to take her to Cape Oath, or have a nice tea time with her! How much time do we have left? Jean thought to herself. Despite being an adult woman, she still had teenage dreams. Dreams of falling in love, with someone who she loved and loved her back. Getting to spend the rest of their lives together in bliss. Waking up next to each other every day, and so much more.

The worst part of it all, is that she had. She had all of that. And she was watching it all get ripped away. She felt like a child, watching all the other children play outside, whilst she had to work hard, without being rewarded. The only thing she could think, the only thing that gave her a glimpse of hope was,

For Mondstadt, as always. Right?

They look down upon the mess. There was chaos everywhere throughout the city, and Jean wasn't even there to help. Lisa collapsed onto the floor, she started coughing and her breathing was shallow. Although many had seen Lisa as quite lazy, weak, and unhelpful, Lisa was able to change the game for their side. Lisa was strong, when she had a reason to. Jean was her reason.

"Jean," Lisa said softly, clasping Jean's hand softly, "For Mondstadt, as always.". Her eyes flutter up to meet Jean's eyes, which are glittering with tears.

"Oh cheer up, everyone's waiting for you. You can't be late to a party and look like a mess," Lisa said, trying her best to make sure her voice didn't break. It was getting hard for her to breathe, and she needed someone to tend to her at once. However, in order to heal, Lisa was in need of someone who had magical healing capabilities, for her injuries were far too large for anyone non experienced.

Jean didn't even crack a smile.

"Lisa... I can't do this. Mondstadt can wait. You cannot." No matter what Lisa said, Jean wouldn't stop crying. This was the first time Jean had cried so much. It isn't surprising that Jean had built her fair share of walls. Although she trusted Lisa, sharing her genuine emotions was not something the Acting Grand Master was big on. Lisa knew this, and respected this, as she was very similar. But now, it's as if it was just them two in the world. Nothing else felt real. Jean cradling Lisa in her lap, with all the sounds under them. It was hopeless. The two sat in silence, Jean still weeping as well as trying to figure out what to do, and Lisa biting her lips, not wanting to make too many sounds in order to not concern Jean.

"Lisa.... I love you. This pains me. I can't take this anymore. Lisa please, stay alive," Jean says, her voice barely a whisper, her throat dry. Lisa finally cracks, hearing her lover speak as if this was their last goodbyes. Tears slowly welled up Lisa's eyes, making it hard for her to see.

"I love you too, Jean. I let you know that everyday. And don't worry, I'll be here again tomorrow to tell you again. And the day after that. Plus the day after that. Now go. Go save everyone. I know you can do it." Lisa's hand softly reached up to caress Jean's cheek, and Jean held onto her hand. "Please Jean. Don't make the wrong decision. I'll always be here anyway," Lisa smiled slightly, "unless of course, you forget me,"

Jean shook her head rapidly. "I would never."

Lisa sat up with her last bit of strength.

"Leave me." The two looked at each other in despair. Both knew that Lisa wouldn't survive if she was left alone. But they also knew Mondstadt needed their leader to stay standing, after all of this. Jean pulled Lisa closer for a soft kiss, and gently laid her down on the tower. She stood up slow as a turtle, her legs and arms still shaking from fear.

"I'LL BE BACK FOR YOU! I PROMISE!" Jean shouted, as if swearing to the world she'd save Lisa. Jean turned her back to Lisa, and got her glider out. Just as she was about to leave, she heard Lisa mumble something.


for mondstadt, as always (genshin//jeanlisa)Where stories live. Discover now