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The morning sun shines through the big windows of a small office in the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius. Birds sing their morning songs atop the roofs of Mondstadt. This city, the city of Freedom, wakes as early as sunrise. The streets are already bustling with chatter and trade. Kids are heard laughing and bards are playing their lyres. A warm breeze and the sweet smell of various dishes waver throughout the city. It's at times like these when Acting Grand Master Jean's hard work pays off. Jean wakes from her office couch, with, to her surprise, the librarian Lisa next to her, holding her hand dearly. Jean smiles, it's such a perfect moment. If she could freeze time right then, she would. However, time will forever tick, it's always moving, never ending, just like the wind. Jean gently lets herself go from Lisa. She leaves a note for Lisa on the table, telling her where she's off to. She puts on her official uniform to go outside and meet with Amber for their daily morning run.

"Jean!" Amber calls out.

"Good morning Amber! How are you feeling?" Jean says.

"I'm feeling great. This morning is perfect to go for a run! How are you doing, Jean? Did you stay up late again?"

"You really know me well Amber. Unfortunately, I got caught up on some problems with the Fatui." Jean sighs as she tells Amber, "Now then, let's get going, I have a feeling today will be busy."

"I'm right with you! Let's go."

The two run through their normal route.

Amber's really working hard, she's grown a lot. I'm proud of her, Jean thinks to herself, having a little smile appear. By the time they got back, Lisa was waiting at Good Hunter's for her and Jean's usual breakfast together. It was about 8:00 am already. Jean and Amber say their goodbyes and Jean walks over to Lisa

"Good morning Jean. How did you sleep tonight? I hope you slept well." Lisa says to Jean, flashing her most charming smile, with a book in her hand.

"Good morning Lisa. I slept well, thank you," she takes a seat across from Lisa, "But, uhm, did you sleep well? You were on my couch with me." She says in response, with a slight blush. "I didn't take too much space did I?"

"Oh my, I slept there? My mistake. I didn't mean any harm, I just went to check in on you and then well, I just felt tired and-" Lisa explains to Jean, quietly closing the book in her hand and setting it down on the table.

"No need to worry," Jean starts, "In fact I liked waking up to you Lisa..!" She says her face is almost completely red at this point. Lisa chuckles.

"Who knew the Acting Grand Master had such a cute side?" She teases.

"Ahem, well let's order now.." Jean says, subtly trying to change the subject.

It only takes a few minutes for their relaxing breakfast time to be over. Lisa and Jean pay their tab, and start heading back to the headquarters. On the way, Jean gets stopped by a panicked commoner.

"Acting Grand Master Jean! I need help, you see..." the person explains in a hurry.

"Of course, I will take care of that." Jean assures.

"Grand Master Jean! Oh please, this is terrible, I lost..." suddenly another person appeared, also asking for Jean's assistance.

"Yes, yes, I'll help you find it."

Just like that, the requests of help pile onto Jean's workload. Sometimes, Jean gets tired of people constantly reaching out to her for help, especially things she shouldn't even have to do for them. She never has the heart to turn them away, though. For this, she's grateful for Lisa. Lisa's always been able to support Jean, and love her without asking for anything in return. With Lisa, Jean feels most reassured and safest. But Jean hates thinking like that. It makes her too vulnerable. So anytime her mind wanders about Lisa, she shakes her head and thinks "For Mondstadt, as always". It's a quote that reminds her of her mother, and gives Jean the strength to continue to work hard. Jean gets to her home and sets the laundry, before heading to her office to start the work she's just accumulated. Just as she opens the doors to the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius, a knight rushes up to her,

"Master Jean! Something's happened with the Fatui, and it's bad." they say, with a fearful look on their face.

for mondstadt, as always (genshin//jeanlisa)Where stories live. Discover now