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"What do you mean? A potential attack?" Jean worriedly replies to the knight. For a moment, you could see pure panic all over her face. Lisa, who was just about to head into her library, stops to listen for a moment. She could see how tense Jean became, and knew something terrible must be happening.

"What's your plan, Master Jean?!"

Jean pauses and collects herself. She knows she's capable of handling the situation, but a thought in the back of her head haunts her.

If I didn't take the right course of action, in the worst case scenario, what would become of Mondstadt?

To fail is to risk Mondstadt's safety. Something Jean could never allow.

With a deep sigh, she states,

"Lock the gates of Mondstadt, and alert the citizens to stay inside. All knights are to be patrolling the streets and paying extra attention. Message the outriders to watch the outskirts of the city."

"Yes ma'am!" the knight runs off to complete their duty. Lisa walks over to Jean to reassure her.

"You've done the right thing, Jean." Lisa smiles at her, and gently holds her hand.

"I hope I have..." Jean worriedly expresses. "Well, for now let's continue our work, the knights will alert me if things go south" She adds.

"Of course they will. Now then, it's time for my nap!" Lisa says, yawning as she walks over to the door of the library. Jean chuckles softly.

Classic Lisa.

Even if everything is in ruins, at least she can count on Lisa being the same.

She walks into her own office and begins what work she has to do.

Not even an hour passed when another knight ran into the headquarters, then into Jean's office.

"Master Jean, they're approaching!"

"I will be on my way! Send the citizens indoors, have all knights on standby and prepared to fight." Jean rushes out of her chair and out the door. Lisa is there waiting for her..

"Oh Jean, you look like such a mess." Lisa says, eerily calm about what's happening. She starts fixing up Jean's clothes. Jean couldn't even muster a reply.

"You mustn't panic too much, I know you will be able to protect Mondstadt, and if things take a drastic turn... Well, that won't happen." Lisa adjusts Jean's loose ponytail,

"Where's Klee?" Jean worriedly asks Lisa. She lets out a little chuckle.

"She's safe, Albedo came to pick her up this morning from solitary confinement, they're out somewhere, probably fish blasting. I bet tonight's dinner will be delicious." Lisa answers, trying to lighten the mood.

"How is Bar- the Church?" Jean asks stumbling on her words, Lisa pauses for moment, brushing off anything off Jean's cape,

"You mean Barbara, right? You have such a soft spot for that girl. Not to worry, she and the rest of the Church are safe, protected by the knights of Favonius and Barbatos himself. He will protect Mondstadt." Lisa smiles at Jean kindly, however she looks a little worried. She takes the purple rose out from her hair and presses it tightly in Jean's open hand. Lisa leans in and kisses Jean on the cheek. Although Lisa would deny it, they both turn beet red.

"It's for luck." Lisa says.

"Ah... thank you Lisa.. I appreciate you much more than you think" Jean says. The two look at each other, with love, processing the seemingly innocent kiss. However, the feeling was short lived, when a loud boom was heard from the background, followed by screams.

for mondstadt, as always (genshin//jeanlisa)Where stories live. Discover now