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Her body lay limp on the floor, her body on her side. Jean thought it was all over. Before she could reach back down again, Lisa moved.

"GO ALREADY!" Lisa shouted, with all her will. Jean nodded determined by Lisa's voice.
"Don't you dare die on me, Lisa!" she yelled, before she glided off to the distance. Tears were still streaming down Jean's face. She grabbed onto the purple rose in her breast pocket. This was going to be painful no matter what.

Silent sobbing finally emerged from Lisa. After all, she had held it in the entire time with Jean. More sobbing. The type you get when you're watching an incredibly sad movie that hits you right in the heart strings. When you can't breathe in between the cries, and the tears feel like they'll never stop. This was Lisa, near the statue of the cowardly god, abandoning his city. The god, who couldn't bring himself to protect his people. Who left innocent people to die.
"Jean... Jean, why do you have to be such a great person..." she cried to herself. "Why couldn't you be weak? Like me? Then would you have stayed?" Lisa lay still in a ball form, crying to herself. Was this the meaning of being a leader? Now, Lisa truly understood what it meant to be dedicated to a city, and their people.

After what felt like eternity, she gently tried to push herself up by leaning against the pillars behind her. From this angle, she could see the entire city. There were fires, bombs, people running around, children hiding. The sound of prayers trying to reach a god who couldn't seem to aid in a time of need bounced off the walls of Mondstadt's broken walls. In every corner of the city was pure despair, agony. The city that was once so free and carefree had fallen into near ruins. It was a jumble of confusion, chaos, debris and pure mayhem. And there, running straight towards the enemies, was Jean. There were the other knights with her, but all Lisa could see was Jean. Attacking and tending to all her loved ones at the same time. Oh, how Lisa wished she could be like her. Yes, Lisa was powerful, but she was nothing without a healer. No matter how much she trains, or tries, Lisa will always be weak. Mentally and physically.

If only I hadn't left Jean in the first place... No, but I was a burden, I kept getting hurt! I did the right thing... I just wish...

"It didn't hurt.... This much..." 

for mondstadt, as always (genshin//jeanlisa)Where stories live. Discover now