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The pair knew what was coming. If their lives were stories, this would be a major plot point. Jean turns and runs out the building without a word, Lisa stood still in shock. Her life had just been lazing around after she left Sumeru Academy. Would today be the day she starts proving just how powerful she is? It wasn't the smartest decision, if she exerted too much energy, well... It wouldn't be pretty. For now, all Lisa could do was rely on the knights, and hope that she wouldn't need to step onto the, now, battlefield.

If it comes to it, I must protect Jean, and Mondstadt. She solemnly thought to herself. Living in Mondstadt, alongside the knights and Jean, it'd really been the happiest part of Lisa's life. She knew she had to protect it to the best of her ability.

Outside the headquarters, there was only mayhem. Jean was still rushing towards the city gates, where the Fatui had breached most. Already, the place seemed like a ghost town. There was a line of the knights, trying their hardest against the attacks. It was easy to tell they desperately needed help. Already on guard, Jean rushed into there with her sword in hand. The highest ranking knights were there, including the Spindrift Knight, Eula, and even the Cavalry Captain Kaeya. There was no time to exchange any words. The only thing any knight could offer at this time was their blade. Despite everyone giving their best efforts, it seemed to have been of no use. The Fatui was only multiplying whilst invading the city, without a single sign of stopping.

We don't have much time before we completely lose, and are forced to surrender. Surrender our city. Surrender our people. Surrender our freedom. I can't let it happen. However, battles can't be won with willpower. They are won with force, strength and without mercy. The Fatui were cold, relentless, while the people of Mondstadt were gentle, as warm as a summer breeze.

Do we really have the power to be so brutal?

au note ; short chapter ehe>< /s

for mondstadt, as always (genshin//jeanlisa)Where stories live. Discover now